Our performance and quality of life is largely dependent on a delicate balance of brain biochemistry. It defines our mental health, mood, our anxiety, our focus and attention, cognitive performance and ultimately even our personality.

Today’s guest estimates that 80 to 90% of the population have some kind of biochemistry abnormality that affects their brain. This is based on insights from a database of biochemistry he has collected over 35 years with over 3 million biochemistry test assays. So while many of us may not be included within the 26% of the population included in clinical diagnoses for mental disorders, most of us can improve our mental wellbeing or cognitive performance by addressing biochemistry imbalances.

Today’s guest is Dr. William J. Walsh, founder of the WalshInstitute.org. Over his 35 year career he has treated 30,000 patients with a wide range of brain related disorders, successfully treating them by addressing biochemical, methylation and epigenetic abnormalities. The treatments are nutrient based to realign biochemistry, and thus drug free.

William is also a frequent lecturer at conferences across the world including organizations such as the American Psychiatric Association, the U.S. Senate and the National Institutes of Mental Health. In short, he’s got a very in long and deep CV backed up by those 35 years of experience.

“In the areas of depression and behavior disorders and ADD and even schizophrenia… about 95%… have those conditions because of their abnormal biochemistry and by correcting and normalizing these brain chemicals, we were able to help most of them.”
– William J. Walsh PhD

This is a great interview that goes into a lot of depth in biochemistry, the labs, as well as looking at the emerging area of epigenetics and how work there will help us resolve more health issues and optimizing your brain via biochemistry.

The show notes, biomarkers, lab test and other links are below. Enjoy!

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Show Notes

  • How 80 to 90% of the population are affected by biochemical brain imbalances
  • How abnormal methylation (over or under) affects the moods and personalities of 30% of the population
  • Mental disorders like schizophrenia and depression that can be correct through methylation therapy using specific nutrients
  • Correcting and normalizing brain biochemistry improves mood, personality and addresses clinical mental disorders
  • The inexpensive $300 to $400 blood tests you can do to get brain biochemistry imbalances assessed
  • The 6 or 8 dominant nutrient factors that have the greatest impact on your brain health and performance
  • Correcting imbalances via nutrients such as Zinc, Metallothionein activation and epigenetic and methylation mechanisms
  • Things that can bias the results of biochemical lab tests such as lab handling and supplements
  • The difficulties and problems caused in methyl folate treatment of methylation imbalances
  • William’s view on lab reference ranges used in a variety of labs
  • The link between oxidative stress and brain biochemistry abnormalities
  • Biochemical individuality and how we should get to know our own signature and optimize factors in our life such as nutrition and exercise accordingly
  • William’s view of where brain science and treatment is changing and will evolve to over the next decade
  • Biomarkers William tracks for his own health and how he corrects/ maintain his own methylation balances

Biomarkers in this Episode

  • Plasma Zinc: Zinc abnormalities, particularly low levels, are associated with brain imbalances. William assesses this as a reliable/ stable marker.
  • Serum Copper: Copper abnormalities, specifically high levels, are associated with brain imbalances and conditions. William assesses this as a reliable/ stable marker.
  • Urine Pyrroles: Used by William to detect abnormal stress levels and potential pyrrole disorder. More difficult to use for interpretation as levels tend to vary throughout day based on stress levels and should normally be between 5 and 12. William has seen people over 200 with severe disorders.
  • Whole blood histamine: The simplest and cheapest test used to assess your methylation status, whether you are under, normally or over methylated. Histamine is negatively correlated with your methylation levels.
  • Ratio of Plasma SAM / Plasma SAH: Looking at straight plasma ratio of SAM (S-Adenyl-Methionine) to SAH (S-Adenyl-Homocysteine) provides a relatively cheap but accurate assessment of your methylation status, with a bit more information as to the basis of under or over methylation (e.g. low SAM).
  • Ratio of RBC SAM / RBC SAH : Looking at the red blood cell (RBC) ratio of SAM (S-Adenyl-Methionine) and SAH (S-Adenyl-Homocysteine) gives an estimate of intracellular levels and methylation status. Slightly more expensive.
  • Methylation Gene SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms): Gene mutations with enzymes related to methylation can impact our methylation status and cause methylation imbalances. Genetic tests identify these SNPs. The example given was the common MTHFR SNP.
  • RBC Folates: Using the Red Blood Cell (RBC) levels of the different folates (e.g. folinic acid, folic acid) as an intracellular measure for the status of your body’s folate resources. This can identify whether they are under resourced, over resourced or balanced.
  • Hair Metals Tests: William discussed the accuracy of reference ranges used in hair analysis by companies like Doctor’s Data.

Lab Tests from this Episode

  • William J. Walsh’s Brain Biochemistry Panel: William recommended this lab, Direct Healthcare Access II Laboratory, who he has worked with for a long time and runs his complete panel for $235. (See below for link to list of Walsh trained physicians for interpreting the labs, alternatively the lab has trained physicians who can provide a consultation with the test for $435 – see here)
  • Methylation Pathways Panel: Includes the RBC SAM, RBC SAH and RBC folates from Health Diagnostics & Research Institute, which William uses and was discussed in this episode.
  • Hair Toxic Exposure Elements Profile @ Doctor’s Data: This test looks at heavy metals levels in ppm (parts per million). [Note: William J. Walsh disagrees with the reference ranges, believing them to be too low, and indicating toxicity where there is none].

Other Resources Mentioned in this Episode

    William J. Walsh PhD. and the Walsh Institute

  • WalshInstitute.org: William J. Walsh’s non-profit research institution focused on publishing, educating and training physicians on his work.
  • Nutrient Power: Heal Your Biochemistry and Heal Your Brain: William’s book covering his discoveries, tests and protocols in the area of brain biochemistry and methylation. A great read with a lot of detail on treating conditions from ADHD to schizophrenia – highly recommended.
  • Walsh Institute Trained Physicians: A list of the physicians who have taken training programs with the Walsh Institute for labs interpretation and his nutrient protocols for resolving abnormalities.
  • William J. Walsh on PubMed: List of peer reviewed studies William has published over the last 20 years on biochemistry, epigenetics and mental disorders in a variety of medical journals.
  • Others Mentioned

  • Carl Curt Pfeiffer, PhD: William originally was mentored by Carl Pfeiffer, deceased in 1988, who is considered the founder of orthomolecular psychiatry, otherwise known as treating mental disorders via biochemistry. Carl Pfeiffer treated 1000s of patients through the Pfeiffer Treatment Center.

Interview Transcript

Transcript - Click Here to Read
[Damien Blenkinsopp]: William thank you very much for coming on the show today. I really appreciate it.

[William J. Walsh]: Well Damien, it has been my pleasure.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: In order to get started I wanted to just quickly dive into the scope of your work. What is actually covered, I know it is all basically centered around mental disorders. Could you give a broad strokes overview of the areas you have look at and gone into over the last thirty years or twenty years.

[William J. Walsh]: It has been about 35 years actually. Basically I started as a scientist working on things like nuclear physics, chemical engineering. I worked for Argo National Laboratory, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, places like that, so I come background of heart of science.

About 35 or 40 years ago, I became a prison volunteer trying to help people living in prisons and in the course of that I got very interested in the clause of behavior disorders and that sort of launched me into studies on brain science and more than anything else.

Lately I have been studying with my colleagues and research associates, the microbiology of the brain and especially with respect to originally behavior disorders and then attention deficit disorder, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorders, schizophrenia and then most recently Alzheimer’s.

So I have been focusing on trying to understand what is going on in the brain that is different for these people. Along the way, I did start a clinic in Illinois that at one time I think was the largest complimentary medicine clinic in the world and we eventually saw 30,000 patients.

And we evaluated all of those with respect to metal metabolism and methylation and pyrrole disorders and malabsorption. I accumulated a lot of data and I have always collected the numbers so I have I think the world’s biggest chemistry database for a lot of these conditions.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Wow, that is pretty impressive. That is really why I want to get you on the show became I am pretty impressed by that number when you brought it up in another interview I had and of course your book is fantastic.

When I was researching before this interview I was looking for the mental disorders like some of the ones you have been talking about. Some of the estimates are that 26% of Americans age 18 or older actually have one of these disorders, so one in four Americans which is pretty huge. So in fact it is a huge slice of society.

Have you seen this as something that is very common place, so like the cases you have seen? Has it been very, very specific cases that have been clinical diagnosed or is it like something a bit more-broader like you had patients referred from all sorts of various work.

Perhaps they do not feel like they have a mental disorder as such. It is kind of a big word and maybe they are just having a few problems at work. They feel a bit depressed or is it something that they would not really feel is a clinical situation?

[William J. Walsh]: Well, we of course studied primarily people who had major problems severe clinical depression or schizophrenia. But in order to really evaluate something, you have to know what normal is. So along the way we study very healthy people who would not have these problems to get an idea what the chemistry should be and what the brain chemistry should be.

Now these disorders come in mild, moderate and severe, maybe it is 26% of the people of a population has a really significant problem. Probably at least 80% or 90% of us have some abnormalities in our brain chemistry and life would be better if we knew what those were and could normalize them.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: That is pretty impressive. So it is really relevant to everyone and that is what I understood in your book and what I was really amazed about. And especially when you are describing some of the personality symptoms and I think we accept it as pretty much normal in society.

[William J. Walsh]: That is right because for example methylation is something that we have to evaluate everybody. About 70% of the human population has normal methylation but about 20% are undermethylated and that is basically genetic and you are born that way and another 10% are over methylated.

These conditions have a lot to do with mental functioning. With our personality and traits for example, undermethylated people tend to have a strong will. They tend toward high accomplishment in life. They are competitive, they are sort of driven individuals compared to the others.

Whereas the over methylated people are friendly, make wonderful neighbors. They might get involved in nursing or in charity work and the over methylated people, one of the tendencies is they tend to be very artistic and better at music.

Each of us is somewhat defined a bit genetically from the time we are born and we have tendencies that are there and it sort of makes us who we are and gives us the diversity that we all like. But in extreme cases with severe chemical abnormalities, biochemistry doesn’t function well when that happens, you could have a disorder that can really plague a person and cause a lot of misery and that is what we focused on.

When we evaluate a patient, we have to not only get the lab results. We also need to know everything we can about this human being because the symptoms and traits give a lot of evidence with respect to what the chemistry is and what neurotransmitters are not functioning properly.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Can you explain a little bit more about what methylation is and if it is a problem, you are saying some people are undermethylated and over methylated but the way you described the personality types and everyone knows these kind of people.

So is it okay in some situations when it gets more advanced, more away from a balance that it because a problem or is it a slight issues that are going to present some problems perhaps in concentration and performance at work or whatever it is?

[William J. Walsh]: People who are undermethylated and I am one of them and I suspect you probably are too. These are people who are self motivated. They tend toward obsessive compulsive tendencies and if they can channel that into a career or into a blind study, it can be a really good thing.

But of course it can also go in a wrong direction. These are the same people who are more prone to be hooked on things. If they sort of started to take illegal drugs for example, from females who got involved or anybody. It can involve shopping disorders or gambling disorders.

Basically it is a matter of extremes. The environment has quite a bit to do with it. Methyl is the simplest organic chemical that is one carbon atom with three or four hydrogens. It is a very dominant factor in human function that domination starts in the womb during the first three or four weeks of that little tiny baby developing in the womb.

Your DNA and every cell in your body, at that time methyl reacts with parts of your DNA and that acts like a switch that turns on some chemicals and turns off others. In other words it is a switch. They can turn on a gene or turn off a gene.

We have 23,000 genes and every genes had only one job and that is to make a protein. That is what every gene does. It makes one specific protein or enzyme, since we have the same DNA in every part of our body in order for a person to be healthy and normal, every part of your body.

Every tissue, your kidney, your lungs, your liver, you need different chemicals in every one of these areas and that is how this is all done. It is done with methylation. If people are over methylated or under methylated, then this changes things and that is why we get these different traits and symptoms.

Sometimes they are mild and just sort of define people, some people are talkative. Others are quiet. That is probably an intrinsic thing related to methylation. In many case, there are certain disorders that are associated with methylation.

For example, about 65% of all people with schizophrenia have a methylation disorder and then about 60% of all people who have clinical depression have a methylation disorder. And if we are going to identify what their methylation status is, we can provide them with nutrients therapy, drug free therapy that can usually create that and avoid the need for a drug medication.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: You said a lot of things that are very interesting and I actually did see in your book. You’ve covered addictions for undermethylated. Have you seen any situations? So these are new applications of your work that I was not aware of.

Have you seen any application for drug abuse or areas like that for the kinds of treatments you are talking about?

[William J. Walsh]: Over our history, doing clinical work with 30,000 people, one thing that we never were very good at was trying to help people who might have cocaine addiction or heroin addiction or alcoholism and we actually would not invite those people to come to our clinic because we thought we are not likely to help them.

But in the last ten years, there has been some wonderful revealing research and addictions and it all has to do with the NMDA receptor in the brain. NMDA receptor and that seems to have everything to do with what they call memory extinction.

When something goes wrong with that receptor which is a glutamate receptor, that seems to have everything to do with addictions and there are now nutrient natural therapies that seemed to be working better than drugs in the research they are doing.

I think that is a very positive thing and we started using these therapies. It is still early. We are not quite sure yet. We have not done outcome studies but I think that for the first time in my life, natural treatments for alcoholism and drug addiction are not promising.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: When you are talking about these changes in personality, in behaviors and so on. There is an epigenetic aspect to that when we talk about methylation that affects the epigenetics. Could you explain a little bit about that and is it permanent or are these treatments actually changing the epigenetic homeostasis of the body when you are fixing and treating people?

[William J. Walsh]: What happens as I started to say during early development in the womb, in the nine months of gestation, these methyl marks are put on and attached to certain areas of certain genes and basically switch the genes on or off.

They used to believe not until about ten years ago that these methyl mark. They call them book marks or marks and they thought these methyl marks were in there like concrete. You could not remove them or change them.

Now we know that is not completely true and in fact we now know that environmental insults can offer these marks and cause disorders. We now know that most cancers are epigenetic and result from things that happen after you are born, maybe when you are an adult even.

Cancer results from overwhelming environmental insults usually involving this thing called oxidative stress and free radical assaults on the body that can actually alter these methyl marks. And in cancer they have now worked it out that they understand which genes are being affected.

And we now know that most cancer research now is aimed at identifying the misbehaving genes. And in cancer, so far, almost every one of them has been marks that have turned off by a cancer protection gene. They know that is absolutely true for bladder cancer and prostate cancer and lung cancer.

Another example is skin cancer. If a person is in the sun too much or goes to a tanning bed too often and has too much of an environmental insult to their skin, eventually you could overwhelm your natural protectors and that can alter these methyl marks on parts of your DNA and that is what the onset of cancer usually is.

From that time on you have this cancer tendency that you have to deal with for the rest of your life. That is all pretty well established. We also know that most heart disease is epigenetic in nature. In other words, you might have a person with a predisposition for these problems but it is triggered by environmental insults which can be chemical, they can be emotional stresses. They can be physical injuries.

Things that can cause enough environmental stress and insult to change your gene expression and the way it changes is by changing these methylation marks.

Another thing that happen is for the first time because of epigenetics, nutritional practitioners and people who try to do natural therapies and it has really given us a whole new ability because in the past we have studied diet and the nutrients that go into the body and for the last 20 years, we have a lot of knowledge about how we can give nutrient therapies to alter these levels.

The one thing we have not been able to do is to address the enzymes, the important chemicals in our body that are genetically expressed. But now with this whole field of epigenetics, we are now able to do that.

For example, a lot of depressives, people with clinical depression have low serotonin activity. They do not have enough neurotransmission at serotonin receptors. We now know that reuptake is a major mechanism that controls that and because of the field of epigenetics we now understand that methionine or SAMe which are nutrients available at least in U.S. and every drugstore and health food store.

We know that they are serotonin reuptake inhibitors. In other words they do the same thing as antidepressants except that they do it in different mechanism. We know that the impact of folates and niacin and a number of nutrients have a really powerful effect on brain function.

Now with our nutrient therapies and biochemical therapies, we now have the ability to be far more effective than we could five years ago.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Certainly. So all of these things you are talking about are influencing methylation and as kind of downstream to that, that is impacting biochemical balances in the body and neurotransmitters is that correct?

[William J. Walsh]: That is correct. Our focus has been on the brain but this also has a lot to do with other disorders, some has to do with the rest of the body. We have just been discussing methylation but there are other imbalances that are also very important like metabolism disorders.

We know that specifically copper and zinc, two traced metals in the body are extremely important in brain function and we know which neurotransmitters they impact. If a person has a metal metabolism disorder, for example zinc deficiency or a copper overload, we have now developed treatments that can just normalize that and help a lot of people.

So it is not just methylation. It is just that methylation is sort of a new understanding. One of the complications is that if you are undermethylated, the best way to improve your methylation is to use folates either folic acid, folinic acid or methyl folate, different forms of folates.

The problem is that we now know epigenetically because of the epigenetic science that folates have extremely powerful effect on brain function. So if you got an undermethylated depressed person, you cannot give them folates or else it will get worse.

Even though the folates will improve methylation, but they patient will get worse. And they will get worse because the impact of the folates on neurotransmitter reuptake is in the opposite direction and it overwhelms the benefits of improving methylation.

It is very complicated. If you are studying it, it is really clear and it gives us a road map for helping people that is beyond anything we could do anything in the past.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: I know it has been incredibly complicated. Just reading through your book you can understand that. One of the interesting things, it is all basically biochemical the way you look at this. It is about the biochemicals being used in our body and making sure they are in balance. Is that kind of the whole basis for it?

[William J. Walsh]: That is a lot of it. For things like depression and anxiety and behavior disorders, that is pretty much what is important. But there are other disorders like autism that actually are developmental disorders and in that case brain develops differently and you have what they call connectivity problems where different parts of the brain are slightly off spacially or you might even say geographically.

They do not connect like they should. It depends on the disorder but in most mental disorders, it is the chemistry that tends to dominate unless of course if the person has had a head injury or a stroke or something like that. I would say 95% of the cases, it is biochemistry.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Great. so by supporting biochemistry, that is addressable, the other 5% it is not really addressable because there is some permanent injury and it is basically a structural injury rather than some biochemicals that are out of balance.

[William J. Walsh]: We learned after doing thousands of patients, we learned there are some people we cannot help and we tried hard to identify who they are so we would not have them come and waste their time.

A big surprise for me was that in the areas of depression and behavior disorders and ADD and even schizophrenia that about 95% of them seemed to have those conditions because of their abnormal biochemistry and by correcting and normalizing these brain chemicals, we were able to help most of them based on outcome studies.

We would often study maybe a thousand patients from the last couple of years for the depression or for autism or whatever. And to find out what happened. Did they improve? To what degree do they improve? Are they still taking the treatment? Is life better?

And then we would find out how many people were really benefiting from this and how many of them failed to improve. And then of course we would study the non-responders and then eventually get our percentages better and better.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Your book talks about how you have broken down areas like depression into sub segments because you have got more detail and you can see different biochemical characteristics of different subsets with slightly different problems.

[William J. Walsh]: That is really important. My colleague Dr. Robert Devito is a known psychiatrist. We decided that one of the most important things we needed to make sure the world understood was about depression.

So we would give a paper at the annual meeting at the American Psychiatric Association as the big meeting once a year. We had 17,000 psychiatrists in all over the world and we wanted them to know two major things.

Number 1, Depression is not a single condition. Mainstream medicine throughout the world believes that if a person has clinical depression, basically their problem is low serotonin activity. Nearly every patient who comes to a psychiatrist or any doctor with depression is probably going to be given an SSRI antidepressant like Paxil or Proxaz or Serzone or Zoloft and the list goes on and on.

But what we found, I think the world’s biggest chemistry database for depression and what we found quite clearly is that depression is a world used for at least five completely different conditions. About nearly half of them have something else wrong and they are not going to get better. Antidepressants are not going to help the rest of them.

For example, one of these involves a condition that females have that involves elevated copper levels which has to do with hormone abnormalities and these people have severe anxiety and depression and antidepressants don’t help them. The drugs don’t help them.

Within about 60 to 90 days, we can usually completely correct that condition and most of them tell us that the depression is gone and they can throw away their medications. We wanted the psychiatrist in the world to know that so we gave this presentation and I think it went over really well, the psychiatrist that were extremely interested.

The second thing we wanted to them to know is that they can do inexpensive blood test that only cost about $300 or $400 dollars and that can guide their treatment. They can identify which biotype of depression a person has and they can find out who to give which medication to.

But even more importantly, we also talk about how they can help these people with nutrient therapies and not necessarily have to use a drug. I think that is really important. 14% of all Americans have been diagnosed with clinical depression that is a lot of people.

And so many of them are being treated improperly but just throwing antidepressants at them whereas there is another group where antidepressants are very helpful, it is very important to find out who is who? And there is one group of depressants that actually gets worst on SSRI antidepressants.

There is a lot of evidence now that that is responsible for the school shootings in America where children, teenagers usually get a gun and go into the school and kill people. We have studied the last 50 cases of school shootings and what we find is that these are different from other disorder in people.

I have studied 10,000 children and adults and usually they show their violence by the time they are 3 or 4 or 5 years old. The school shooters are different. They are usually well behaved, pretty good students, they develop anxiety and depression and they get put on in antidepressant, they all ready have elevated serotonin activity.

They get dramatically worse and then disaster happens and so I recommended during our talk at the APA to all the psychiatrists that before they give antidepressant to a teenage boy or really anyone, they really should do some blood test to find out if they are going to be able to tolerate it.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: How many types of depression have you defined?

[William J. Walsh]: There are five major types that encompass 95% of all depressants. But there are other things that can cause depression. For example a person can be hypothyroid, low thyroid can cause depression and that is separate.

There is a number of what I call splinter types. Fortunately, 90% to 95% of people with depression have as their major problem one of these five types of depression. We are now able clinically with lab testing and with a careful medical history are able to accurately diagnose what type they have and they require completely different treatment approach, each one of them.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: So as I understand it, you have this database which basically provides you fingerprints in terms of the biochemistry of each of these different segments now because of all the dates you have collected. What are the list of labs that you found most useful for creating these kind of fingerprints like the blueprints of what is what and what fits into where?

[William J. Walsh]: Well I think this is really the good news. There are really more than 300 nutrient factors that are important in the body. However, what we have learned is that with respect to brain function, the function of the brain that might go wrong, there is only about six or eight nutrient factors that have a really dominant effect.

And if we focus on those six or eight factors, we are able to help nearly everyone and the beauty of that is we do not have to do lab work for 300 different nutrients and we do not have to get a treatment to try to normalize 300 or dozens and dozens of things. If we can normalize these six or eight dominant nutrient factors, we can help most people.

For example we know we have to know a person’s serum copper level and we want to know there are several plasmin level that this has to do with how much free radical copper they have. We need to know their plasma zinc level.

And about maybe 20% of people that we work with, with mental problems have abnormalities that can be corrected that will help them. We have to find out methylation.

Now there has been a lot of people lately that have been trying to use genetic testing looking for SNPs like MTHFR enzymes that are weakened and now in genetic testing you can identify enzymes in the methylation for example that are weakened. We know that that is not a very good way to identify a person’s methylation status.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Could you explain why that is?

[William J. Walsh]: Well the reason is that people are all looking at the methylation cycle also known as the one carbon cycle. And that is the cycle in the body that basically produces this chemical called SAMe which is the methyl donor, S-Adenosyl methionine.

It is a relatively unstable molecule that goes throughout the body and it donates, provide the methyl for all these important reactions and people are focusing on things that can go wrong and can cause undermethylation.

One of which is the well known MTHFR enzyme which is really the limiting part of that cycle. And now genetically you can identify weaknesses in that that can cause undermethylation. Well what people are forgetting is that a lot of people are also over methylated.

So what can cause over methylation? Over methylation has to do with the utilization of the SAMe. There is about 80 or 90 really important reactions that have a lot to do with DNA, it have to do with cell division and they have to do with all kinds of important processes.

But more than half of all your methyl goes to one reaction and that is to make creatin maybe as high as 70% of all your methyl goes to make creatin. Well there are enzymes with snips involved with the utilization of methyl and if those are weakened, then you can be producing all of the SAMe with one carbon cycle and you have got SNPs that are tending toward over methylation.

So it is a tag of war genetically between those polymorphisms, they are called snips, Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms that tend to weaken and then you got a group of them that tend to cause over methylation. It is impossible with DNA testing to tell what the net effect is.

Clinically, what we really know if a person is over methylated or undermethylated, what is the sum total result of all these polymorphisms and you can actually have a person with the MTHFR 677-T which is the most damaging undermethilation source. Some of these people are actually over methylated because of the others that tend toward methylation.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: So what you are saying is that the system is too complex. There are too many genes working together and plus, you can predict what the outcome is going to be by looking at the genes?

[William J. Walsh]: The SNPs are qualitative. They are not quantitative. They do not give you percentages. So even if you knew all of the SNPs, those that would tend to increase or reduce methylation, you still would not be able to know.

But fortunately there are some lab tests that can tell you or gives you strong evidence of whether a person is over or undermethylated.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Which labs are those?

[William J. Walsh]: The labs that we have been using primarily have been whole blood histamine. The reason is that histamine and methyl are inversed where everybody has a lot of histamine in every cylinder body. And it is metabolized and it is controlled or regulated or destroyed by methylation as the main process.

The second way of this seems even better than whole blood histamine. There are now labs that will measure both SAMe and SAH. SAH is S-Adenosylhomocysteine and that is what SAMe becomes when the methyl leaves and that ratio is the gold standard for measuring methylation in the body. Both of these are dramatically better than any information you can get from genetic testing.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: So is that plasma SAM and SAH?

[William J. Walsh]: With respect to methylation.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Right because I have seen some people who are testing for Red Blood Cell or RBC, SAMe and SAH.

[William J. Walsh]: I think that is all worthwhile. You get the information from these things. I think that red blood cell foliate is a valuable measure. It tells you about the folate stores which are really important both in methylation but also really important in mental health in different directions.

They now know that folates actually in most of the body tend to increase methyl levels, SAMe levels. However, in your DNA and your Chromatin where you get genetic expression, it does the opposite in many areas and folates strip methyl away from your DNA areas. That is the reason why so many nutritionists get confused.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: So you could basically over folate yourself is that what you are saying? Is it where you are consuming too many folates either by diet or when you are taking these supplements like the B-Complex or the folates themselves?

[William J. Walsh]: Yeah you need to have the right amount of folate. You do not have too much or too little and there is a lot of clear evidence now that there are new disorders and new problems throughout the world. People are enriching foods and cereals with folates.

But that is important for pregnant women for example. If you are low in folate, they are more likely to have a child who has spina bifida or also with autism.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: I am just wondering if you have looked at the difference between folic acid and the other folates.

[William J. Walsh]: Absolutely.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Okay.

[William J. Walsh]: A lot of people are now saying I have got this MTHFR weakness and therefore I have to use methyl folate, also known as deplin. That is greatly overblown. For one thing, we have about 100,000 micrograms of folate in the body.

The amount of folate you can add with deplin, the idea is to bypass this MTHFR part of the methylation cycle. It is a clever and intelligent thing that seems possible. The problem is that this methylation cycle is like a race track with race cars zooming around the cycle over and over.

In fact there are more than a million methylation reactions every second in the body. The problem with methyl folate and deplin is that it is what I call a suicidal nutrient. It is used once and then it become garden variety normal folate and becomes part of the problem. It only acts once.

It probably is somewhat better than the other forms of folate which are folic acid or folinic acid. It is only slightly better and the impact of it is relatively small because again if you look at the biochemistry, if you look at the cycle, the deplin or the methyl folate, helps convert the homocysteine methionine.

It becomes THS, Tetrahydrofolate, just like all the other folate in your body. It becomes garden variety, normal folate after its first use. It is not nearly as effective as people hold back. And that is why a lot of people who are undermethylated, they might even be folate deficient but a lot of people are getting worse if they are undermethilated and they take methyl folate or any of the folates.

And the reason is epigenetics. If a person has a neurotransmitter problem, that is the exception to the rule. If you have got a problem with serotonin or norepinephrine or dopamine neurotransmission, folates have a tremendous powerful effect on those and they tend to drop and lower the neurotransmission of those.

The simplest example is an undermethylated person with low serotonin activity but that is a lot of people. That is nearly half of all people with depression. So they are undermethylated, they have depression. If you give them folic acid or folinic acid or methyl folate, they are probably going to get worse.

What will happen is that their methylation will improve because of the methyl folate or whatever, but their folates acts as a serotonin reuptake promoter and what the depressed people need are serotonin reuptake inhibitors. They go exactly in the wrong direction.

And that is why so many depressed people and then people with anxiety who are undermethylated, my probably have an MTHFR problem. Clinicians all over the world are now finding out a lot of these people are just getting worse and worse and I give them what ought to help them.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: So in this cases the secret is basically doing multiple interventions like you are saying about the folate and the SAMe’s and inhibitors so in that case would you be putting two things at the same time basically to counter both sides or how do you deal with these kind of problems?

[William J. Walsh]: For the case of mental health, for the case of neurotransmitter problems with every patient or clinician to try to understand which neurotransmitter system is misbehaving and then in what direction?

For example if a person has low serotonin depression or anxiety or even schizophrenia or even bipolar then you have to do whatever you can to increase serotonin activity. Folates reduce serotonin activity and that is why that harm overrides the benefit of improving methylation.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Do you look at test with neurotransmitters in addition to the ones you have spoken about with your general blood tests?

[William J. Walsh]: We would like to but they do not reveal much. We have done a lot of that over the years and we do not think this is very significant, for a couple of reasons. One can do urine or blood studies or platelet kinetic studies or things like serotonin, dopamine and etcetera.

The question is, is that related to what is in the brain? What is happening in the rest of the body may not at all relate to what is going on in their brain.

For example serotonin, all of the serotonin in your brain is made in your brain. Yes there is a huge amount of serotonin made in the gut and in other parts of the body but none of that serotonin makes it into your brain.

And the mechanism and he synthesis of serotonin in the brain is quite a bit different from the way it is synthesized in the rest of the body.

For a while we were testing neurotransmitters in the periphery of the body outside the brain. We found that it really was not useful and did not really give us a better idea of what a person’s problems were in the brain and how to help them.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Which is why you are sort of using proxies, plasma, zinc, serum, copper, whole blood, histamine.

[William J. Walsh]: Yes, it has really gotten quite clear. It really stems from the original work by Abram Hoffer and by Carl Pfeiffer. I think they were the two people who really got this going.

Let me just give you one example. Abram Hoffer in the ‘50s. 60 years ago, he was the first person to demonstrate hat nutrients can have a dramatic impact on a person’s mental health. He found that giving niacin to schizophrenics had a dramatic improvement on so many of them.

He had a theory for that. He called it the Adrenochrome Theory. In the last five years, we now know why niacin works and it is a different mechanism and it is epigenetics. We now know that niacin in the form of niacinamide which is what happens to niacin in the body, it becomes niacinamide.

It is what is known as a deacetylase inhibitor. What it does is it increases reuptake all serotonin and dopamine. A lot of schizophrenics are high dopamine people. There is a dopamine theory of schizophrenia for many years I believe that schizophrenia basically is a problem where you got too much dopamine activity.

Now we know that because of epigenetics, that niacin dramatically reduces dopamine activity. So for the first time we understand why Hoffer’s niacin treatments work and that is wonderful to understand.

So now we know because of this new epigenetic field, we understand what methyl does, what SAMe or methionine do and because of epigenetics, they are reuptake inhibitors that increase serotonin activity which is exactly what you want.

The field of epigenetics is really guiding us to better therapies for people. The dominant effect in depression for example is reuptake. The same thing is through of anxiety and schizophrenia and bipolar, it is not the amount of neurotransmitter that is there. It is the activity. It is the reuptake. It is the speed which the neurotransmitter once it gets ejected into the synapse, how fast it goes back.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Right. And there is no way to directly account for that.

[William J. Walsh]: Well there is. There is now and it really has to do with understanding the processes of epigenetics and because they control this. The reuptake is controlled by the genetic expression of proteins that are called transport proteins.

And these are the passage ways for reuptake, for serotonin or other neurotransmitters. Once they are in the synapse to zip back into that original cell. The number of these transporters in the membrane of your brain cells turns everything. We now know how to change that.

What antidepressants do is they get in the brain quickly and they disable these transport proteins, these passage ways and they block the serotonin from going back into the original cells. They are inhibiting reuptake and that is why they work for some people.

We can do the same thing with nutrients by our knowledge of the epigenetics in that case, we have to avoid folate and we have to emphasize methyl and methionine.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: The thing that people talk about when they are comparing the genetics we spoke about a bit before and looking at biochemical markers, there are some views that these markers can vary by chemistry. It can vary by the hour, it can vary by the day, by the time of the day, by the week.

So how stable are the markers that you are looking at in terms of in the bloodstream? Are very stable in changing over months and based on treatment they change very slowly.

[William J. Walsh]: Well this is has been one of the most exciting parts of epigenetics. The markers themselves, these bookmarks along the DNA strand, they rarely change. It takes a rather dramatic events or environmental insults that change them.

However, we now know that there is a process that is called histone modification. All of our DNA is wrapped around proteins that are called histones, we are able to change genetic expression by affecting what reacts to these hisotones and if you methylate the histones, you tend to shut down genetic expression.

And if you use folates or other chemicals, it essentially will increase genetic expression of a particular gene. So you cannot change the basic bookmarks along the DNA but there are two epigenetic processes and the other one is the one that we all ready are able to tinker or if are altered.

And so we are able to change gene expression by altering the chemical on the histones and it is called histone modification. What happens if you methylate a certain part of DNA or even have the histones methylated?

Your DNA gets all jammed together. The way that proteins are made, the way that genetic expression occurs, you have to have your DNA uncoil and be laid there so that large molecules like RNA polymerase and transcription factors, they have to be able to get out and make a protein.

In every cell in your body you have got RNA polymerase, a chemical that is sort of swimming around trying to find a gene to produce. It has to have access to the DNA. Your DNA wraps around these millions of these histone proteins. Methylation tends to jam it all together and prevent gene expression whereas other chemicals can cause it to uncoil and increase expressions.

So that is a complicated answer but the answer is that you cannot change the basic methylation of the DNA very easily. We do not know how to do that yet. Cancer researchers are finding ways in which you can maybe correct these things.

I think that is the way eventually how cancer will be cured and autism and schizophrenia and other epigenetic disorders will be cured actually eventually. But right now, we all ready can do a lot with histone modification.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Right. If I kind of resume quickly, what I understood from that. You are saying that a lot of the environmental insults you are talking about earlier which could be toxins, heavy metals, chemicals have altered DNA but undermethylating them by addressing methylation in the body that helps to counter some of these effects.

[William J. Walsh]: They could be. They are undermethylated or over methylated. If you have got abnormal methylation in the area surrounding a gene, you are going to have a problem with that particular chemical which might be in your liver or in your kidneys or in your brain And so you need to have the proper methylation and these bookmarks are all established in that first two or three months in the womb.

One example of an epigenetic disorder, do you recall thalidomide? Maybe you are not old enough to remember that. Thalidomide was an anti nausea pill given to pregnant women and it caused terrible deformities.

And what it was doing is it was altering these methyl marks and altering the chemicals produced in the different parts of the body and some of them are born without fingers and toes and arms and it was really quite awful.

What happened is it messed up and altered the epigenetic laying down of these methyl bookmarks. The question then with respect to people who are adults and they have depression or anxiety or whatever is what genes are misbehaving?

There now are methods being developed where we can now identify genes that are abnormally methylated, we now have the ability of doing that. It is really a piece of cake really. It is very easy to do.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Are those expensive tests?

[William J. Walsh]: Not really. I am just starting an experiment with some colleagues in Australia where we are going to do exactly that. We are about to do an experiment where we hope to demonstrate that schizophrenia is an epigenetic disorder.

If you take the DNA which is made up of literally billions of chemicals and hundreds of thousands of areas where you are looking for specific areas where methylation can either turn on or turn of a gene.

We now have a way of cheaply and very accurately determining every methyl mark is dipped to your DNA and to a bisulfate solution. The only cytosine molecules left are the ones that were methylated. We now have the ability to do that.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Are you able to do that down to the gene level? So we were talking about some SNPs earlier, would you be able to see which SNPs are methylated and which ones are not?

[William J. Walsh]: Well the SNPs themselves are the DNA mutations. The SNPs are DNA mutations but the gene expression is related to that of course but it is also related to this histone modification and it has to do with the abnormal bookmarks.

There are two different things that could go wrong and one has to do with the SNPs which is genetic, the other has to do with the methylation marks that regulate gene expression, it has the gene regulation that is going to silence or turn on genes and now we are able to do that too. We can identify both of them.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: For example if you had a SNP but it was not methylated, so it is not active, you will be able to see that. When these people are looking at this complex system they can stop looking at that SNP and saying that is a course because it may not be turned on for example.

[William J. Walsh]: Well a SNP basically amounts to weakness in a protein enzyme. It is a weakness. It does not mean that you shut it off. Like MTHFR is a gigantic molecule. It has more than 500 amino acids. Its molecular weight is 77,000.

And what is a SNP? Of those 500 amino acids, one of them is the wrong amino acid. Just one out of the 500 and in most cases a SNP does not affect the function of that enzyme but there are a couple of places especially in that MTHFR, the 677-T and the 1298.

Those are two locations where you can get a really significant weakness, not in elimination of a function but a weakening of an enzyme. Those SNPs are there in the beginning. There are mutations that have occurred over centuries and over the millennium.

We all have mutations. I mean people are tall or short because of mutations, green or blue eyes because of mutations that is why people are basically different. We now know that there are more than ten million SNPs that have been identified in DNA.

I think every human being has at least a couple of thousand of these SNPs, we know that 52% of all people that live in Italy have MTHFR 677 and most of them don’t need treatment. I think it is important to get a perspective of what SNPs are. We all have SNPs.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: And that is just to methylation.

[William J. Walsh]: It is.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: I wanted to go back to the tests that you have been running which you are pretty keep and you said are very good at diagnosing a lot of the different mental disorders. So you have got the whole blood histamine, the plasma zinc, the serum copper, urine pyrroles and ceruloplasmin.

What I wanted to ask you, people talk about the stability that these kind of marker because they are biochemicals in your blood. Are those going to vary day by day and therefore be difficult to get an accurate reading?

For example if you take cortisol and it is rising. Is this a very specific marker of course but it is rising and going down so you have to take four readings per day to understand what is really happening.

With these markers that you have taken, are these longer term very stable markers which do not vary a lot over time so you are pretty sure of getting an accurate reading as to the state of them?

[William J. Walsh]: It depends on which test and we have to be very careful. For example with whole blood histamine, we have to make sure that a person has not had antihistamine recently or any allergy treatments like antigens can affect the histamine reading.

And that is why we are so excited about the SAMe, SAH, the new test for methylation. With respect to zinc, we have to make sure we insist that before taking a blood draw that they abstain from any zinc supplementation for 24 hours.

We have done enough, thousands and thousands of these that we know how to do it. They are not all totally stable. The same is through with copper. We do not want anybody to be taking copper supplements just before a copper test.

With the pyrroles, that is probably one of the more unstable ones. Your pyrrole level in your blood and in your urine tends to vary throughout the day and it varies with stress. When a person is under stress, their pyrrole levels tend to increase.

So you get a snapshot in time. We know that normal pyrrole levels are between maybe five and 12 using the units that we use in the USA. If a person is between say 12 and 20, we regard that as high normal and possibly mild pyrroles and people who are over 20 and we have had people as high as 200 or 300.

If a person tests really high in pyrroles, we know they have pyrrole disorder. We had a serial killer who was in prison in New York State and we did a study where we were testing his pyrrole level which was extremely high, he was 202 the first time we tested him.

Working with a psychiatrist, we tried him day after day and when we found when he was under high stress, his level might be 200 but on our calm day, it might be 40. In other words, those levels do jump all over.

In his case, he is always high but that high level, that severity can really alter and that is one reason why we need to know the symptoms and the traits because these symptoms and traits, pyrrole disorder are so sharp and clear.

We could diagnose pyrrole disorder just by meeting a person and spending and hour with them. We can pretty much predict what the level it is. So all of them are morning people, they are not hungry for breakfast. They stay up late at night. They have a tendency to sun burn. They are usually famous for their temper. If they gain weight, they have an abnormal fat distribution.

It is not completely simple and that is why at this time, I do not think people can really self diagnose themselves. In my book Nutrient Power that covers this, I deliberately did not give a road map for people to read this and just start treating themselves.

If you got a serious problem you really need to have a doctor who knows what they are doing to supervise this. You can make a person worse with nutrients.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: It seems like it is very complex. In addition to the markers which are going up and down. So could someone have a urine pyrroles level which is normal when in fact most of the time it would be in the high reference and it would be something that you could look at.

[William J. Walsh]: The answer to your question is that there is a lot of false negatives with pyrroles. We have had people who tested normal with pyrroles and then three months later we found out that they actually did have really high pyrrole levels.

Another problem with the pyrrole sample is that if the urine sample gets overheated or if gets too much exposure to light it will just decompose the pyrroles. That is one of the issues.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: That is an interesting point actually. I have come across this before. In terms of lab handling, some tests are more sensitive than others. So it sounds like urine pyrroles is very sensitive to lab handling and there could be errors for the lab.

[William J. Walsh]: Yeah, the challenge with a lot of sampling and the greatest errors we have in these markers and these studies are now what happens to the lab. But the ability to get a good sample to the lab, get the sample in good condition to the laboratory.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Because it is a centralized lab, specialist lab?

[William J. Walsh]: There are labs in Europe that do pyrrole levels and allow the samples to be sent at room temperature over days for the lab. That is a terrible idea.

You are going to get a lot of decomposition of the pyrrole molecule and it really need to be either hard, frozen and sent on dry ice and protected against light or else shipped on an ice packed in 24 hours and you have to be really careful about how that is done a lot of labs are doing it wrong.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: I have seen that problem with other markers are well. If you look at for instance the plasma zinc and the serum copper, in that case I understand that you are addressing those imbalances through supplementing zinc and copper.

Is it very difficult to not overshoot? The zinc and copper markers are they stable like they are not moving up and down every day but they are moving if you supplement. So how do you judge how much you provided in terms of an input of zinc or copper versus the more natural methods like foods, so for example if you took some liver which naturally has zinc and copper?

[William J. Walsh]: Actually copper is one of the more reliable lab test. It almost never is wrong. The copper is not going to deteriorate. It can decompose. I mean coppers have metal. It is not going to go anywhere.

So the concentration of copper in a lab test, you can really rely on. Assuming you got a good lab and that is something that we are very confident of. Now what is a normal, healthy level? Well healthy, generally an ideal level would be between say 80 and 100 micrograms per deciliter.

But if you got a woman with anxiety and depression and she is testing at 180, that means she has low dopamine and elevated norepinephrine and the treatment for this has got to be done very slowly and gradually.

And he treatment really involves giving things like zinc and B6 because zinc in vegetables cause the excess copper to leave and the way it does that is it stimulates the genetic expression of a protein called metallothionein and I do not want to get into details of that.

But you have to do it slowly and careful because if you jump in and give a full dose of zinc to a high copper person, it will dump too much copper in the blood stream and they will have the worst day of their life. So you have to do it careful when you are trying to bring a nutrient level down, you usually have to do it gradually and gradually increase the doses in maybe for two to three weeks to avoid temporary side effects.

The typical healthy zinc level I think is between perhaps 100 and 120 micrograms per deciliter. You use different labs. We almost never see people who are high in zinc. Zinc problems are virtually always involving deficiencies.

We find in the cases we have had with mental problems that 90% of them are either low normal or totally deficient in zinc and that is probably the number one most common chemical imbalance in mental disorders.

It has a lot to do with oxidative protection. Your zinc is related to one of the major protectors in the body against oxidative stress and that is metallothionein protein that has stimulated the product of it, it depends on the zinc levels.

And that is how copper is regulated in the body. Copper is really important with mental functioning. Excess of levels for example cause, we think and we published a paper on this of post partum depression, the women who develop surprising depression or even psychosis after having a couple of babies.

And the reason is during the nine month of pregnancy, a woman’s copper level more than doubles. The fetus needs that, after the baby is born within 24 hours that copper level supposed to go back down to normal.

A lot of people do not have the ability to get rid of extra copper. People who have that disorder even whether male or female that is something that is so easily fixed within 60 days, we can do a nutrient therapy that will normalize their blood levels of copper and in many cases have dramatic improvement in functioning.

Copper and zinc are markers that are specially reliable, as long as you are careful not to have anybody taking zinc or copper supplements within 24 hours of the blood draw. The other markers, we have to be more careful with a lot of the others.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: So have you had people that have entered you practice? I’m just asking if it has ever come up when they have been supplementing let us say zinc or say copper or maybe something else and they have managed to cause a mental disorder clinically and end up in your practice because of that out of interest?

[William J. Walsh]: Yes that has happened for sure. A lot of people we see are all ready on supplements. Before you do the blood work, you do not want them to stop all of the supplements because that would put them into a transition that might be transitioning over a month.

And so what we have to do is find out exactly what they are taking and just have them stop for about 24 hours before we do their blood work.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Once you put them on treatment, how often and frequently do you test to make sure that things are okay or what are you looking for?

[William J. Walsh]: A typical patient would come in and we would spend probably two hours with them. Most of them sometimes in getting their symptoms of trace for medical history, you learn a lot from many medications they have taken to which ones will help them, which ones would harm them, getting all of that information and then the blood work.

With all of that, we then can identify in most cases the chemical imbalances that are at the root of their problem hopefully and then we can start them immediately on a treatment program. A treatment program of nutrients aimed at normalizing these blood chemistry levels. Typically, I always like to see patients between four and six months after that visit.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: It is quite a slow readjustment crisis.

[William J. Walsh]: Yes. People are different with respect to how well they absorb things. We might give a patient 50 milligrams of zinc but is that actually the right level for them? So if you can do a second test after they have done that for several months, find out what their zinc level is and then you can find tune the dosage and make it perfect.

And once you have done that in an adult, you really do not need to that maybe once every couple of years. Most of our patients we would want to see within six months after the first visit and after they have been taken the nutrient to look at their chemistry again and then we would typically see them once a year for a checkup. It is not a lot of doctoring.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: That is good and you just get the test and make sure everything is up. When are talking about the test, are you using reference range that labs typically use or do you have your own because I think you mentioned I think zinc is 100 to 120. Are you using narrow ranges or ranges that you have developed yourself over time that you find are better optimum to avoid these kinds of mental disorders?

[William J. Walsh]: That is a very good question. The ranges that you see from laboratories whether it is Quest or LabCorp or Sonic or something like that, these are basically what they call two-sigma ranges. There are ranges in which roughly 95% of the population sits between these two levels.

And they are extraordinarily broad. But the functional ranges for mental health are much narrower. For example, whole blood histamine, the range is typically are between 25 and 150. However, Carl Pfeifer found years ago for mental health, the range should be between 40 and 70.

And people who are below 40 are basically over methylated and people who are over 70 are undermethylated. These broad ranges that you see on the lab reports, sometimes you have to ignore those ranges and focus on the narrow ranges that are related to mental functioning not just general physical health.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Thank you very much. This is very clear and I am sure it will be very helpful for people. In your opinion would it be helpful for someone who is suffering any kind of mental disorder or say they are going to psychotherapy because they are having problems. It would be helpful to get these blood tests in case anything comes up, just these five very basic tests.

[William J. Walsh]: Well there is probably a few more than five but I think it would be very helpful to do that and we have a few labs that are quite good at doing this. We have got one on the US Aid called Direct Healthcare Access that I asked to put together a protocol of these tests.

It is more than five tests but it gives all the information that we need to at least to first look at a person’s mental functioning. Another thing we are doing is we need to have doctors that can evaluate these tests, doctors who know their patient and can do the test and understand what it means and then develop the proper treatment.

Our main activity now has been to train doctors. We train I think 34 practitioners in Ireland last year. We did 66 doctors in Australia this year. I have a team that is doing international physician training and our goal is to have 1000 doctors scattered around the world who are really good at doing this and I think that is really important.

Unfortunately it is complicated enough that it is not something that the average person can do themselves.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Is someone able to do that panel you just spoke of to see if they have a problem?

[William J. Walsh]: Yes. A lot of people do that. Some of them do it to determine if they are good candidates to see a doctor and go to the travel of seeing a doctor.

A lot of people are doing that very panel. In fact I think they do that at a specialty lab near Chicago. I think they do this for people throughout the world.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: That would be interesting if you could give me a reference for that because people might like to just run that.

[William J. Walsh]: Actually if you have my book and you look in the back of the book, there is a resources section and that lab is listed first with their contact information.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Oh great, you just ask for your panel.

[William J. Walsh]: Yeah they do my panel. I am not associated with them, they are separate from me but I have at times tested the proficiency of the lab and I think they are very good.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: And as you said that is relatively cheap? I think you said under $500.

[William J. Walsh]: We are going to be training 40 doctors in the Chicago area in October and we are having about 40 patients that will be part of the training where we take real live patients who come in and we go through the whole process to help train the doctors.

We are going to you use that panel on them and I think the cost is between 350 and 400 U.S. Dollars.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: That is great.

[William J. Walsh]: Not bad at all right?

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Yes that is really good. Say something came up in one of these tests, you are talking about many doctors you have trained on your website or some are list of individuals, they could go to get these type of biochemical treatment or is a bit border, are there other organizations? Where could they get information about doctors that would help them with these particular problems?

[William J. Walsh]: Well as we train doctors, last we just sent out a questionnaire to doctors that we have trained that have been to our training programs to find out which of them are actually doing these therapies that are confident in them and would welcome new patients and we are going to put that on our website.

Right now there is a very small list of doctors that we have on our website but we hope to have maybe 100 or so throughout the world that will be on that website maybe a month or two from now when we get all the responses back.

And as we keep going, like I said our goals is to tray a thousand doctors in the next five years throughout the world and we are interested always in going to countries that are interested. If there is a group within a country that would like to have these kinds of therapies brought to their country we are very open to work with people.

My organization is a public charity. We are not interested in making money but we are interested in getting these effective therapies available to people throughout the world.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: It is really amazing what you are doing. I want to look a little bit toward the future use of this over the next ten years. Could you see this kind of natural biochemical therapies replacing some of the drugs that are used with mental disorders today? How do you see this evolving over the next ten years for example where you would hope to see it evolve?

[William J. Walsh]: What I think is happening is I think we are just in the beginning stages of a new era in mental health. For about 100 years, we had the psychiatry model which lasted up until 1965 where the thought was if a person had depression or a mental problem, it was because of their life experiences.

Then in 1965 which was the biochemical revolution in psychiatry, they began to realize that the problem really was neurotransmitters and brain chemistry and mental functions, chemical imbalances in the brain.

The only way at that time, they knew how to correct and help these people was with drugs. So we have been on a pharmaceutical era that started in 1965 and I believe it is about to end.

And the reason is, as brain science advances, we are learning more and more how we can correct these problems without drugs. The basic fundamental problem with drugs is that they are foreign molecules. They are powerful foreign molecules.

And when a foreign molecule that is power enters the brain, you do not create normalcy. You usually have side effects or maybe a change in personality or it could be weight gain, it is not going to provide normalcy.

And as brain science advances and it is all ready beginning to happen. We are getting to the point where we are going to be able to normalize the brain without drugs because of scientific knowledge that is coming. The interesting thing is a lot of this knowledge and a lot of this great scientific work is being done by drug companies. Basically they are going to be hurting themselves.

They already are being frustrated at times by doing the research and finding that natural substances are working better than drugs for some of these conditions. The only problem is that the drug companies have the wrong goal and that is to make the next billion dollar drug.

And so when they find natural ways to correct the problem, or correct a brain chemistry problem, they don’t pursue it because it is not in the interest of their stockholders.

Anyway I think the answer is yes. We are just beginning a new era in mental health and it is going to be a tendency toward normalizing the brain ad being able to accomplish that without drug medications.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: In terms of your own recommendation to someone who is trying to make better decisions about their body’s health and performance with data, what would be your top recommendation that they should do whatever it should be?

[William J. Walsh]: Well of course the things that we all ready know, everybody needs to have a good diet. We need to have nutrient-dense foods. However, the best diet for one person is not the best for the other. For example if you are undermethylated, you would thrive on a protein-based diet.

And if you are over methylated, the best diet would be a vegetarian diet, rich in green leafy vegetables. So there is biochemical individuality, each one of us is biochemically individual. It would be nice for people to get to know who they were biochemically.

Some people do this by trial and error by finding out how they feel on different kinds of diets but of course junk food diets are a problem. People need to have the right amount of the omega 3 or fatty acids which is a major problem in the U.S. and everywhere. We might say junk food type of diets which are throughout the USA.

And then the second thing of course is exercise. One of the major things that most people don’t realize is that importance of antioxidants to have diet and to have many supplements that provide antioxidant protection. Very high percentage of people with depression and anxiety and behavior problems and these imbalances have high elevated levels of oxidative stress.

That can be caused by outside influences like toxic metals or immune problems but often it has to do with a genetic weakness for some people in protecting against oxidant stress. They may not have glutathione or selenium or zinc. There is a long list of protective agents of the body that are supposed to protect us.

And a lot of people have insufficient levels of those. So I would think that it would be really important for people just fortify themselves with things like vitamin C and vitamin E and selenium and zinc. There is a long list of really effective antioxidants. I think almost everyone would benefit from that.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: I noticed in your book by the way that when it came to heavy metals testing like urine and blood, you felt that the results from those tests were difficult to analyze. Is that still your view?

[William J. Walsh]: I first got interested in the very beginning when I found that criminals had very abnormal metal levels, I did a lot of testing of blood, urine and hair testing and actually with toxic metals, very often hair testing is done properly by a good lab can be really revealing.

It is probably a great way to find if a person has too much mercury or lead or cadmium or one of these nasty metals. One problem however is that these labs starting about 15 years go started doing something I really hated and they would list the correct parts per million level of the lead and the mercury and all.

But they changed the charts and they tend to exaggerate the toxic metals. In other words, I know what the average human being in American has about 1.5 parts per million lead in their hair. Almost all the labs make it look like 1.5 milligrams is an overload and that you are being poisoned.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: It is shown in the red for example, something like doctors data they have the red.

[William J. Walsh]: Exactly and doctor’s data by the way use my reference normals, I think I have the world’s best reference normals for metals in hair and they were using it for many years. But then they changed the toxic level of the chart and I beg them not to do that. I asked them why and they said they have to do it for competition reasons and also because of dentistry.

At that time, a lot of their hair analysis was done by dentist who were looking for mercury and they said that the dentist like to see high levels of mercury. So they made the charts look like they had high levels so they could persuade their patients to have their feelings removed.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Yeah it is very unfortunate.

[William J. Walsh]: Very unfortunate. We still sometimes will use a hair analysis. I have done a lot of forensics. I have done 28 forensics studies of famous criminals and hair analysis is very revealing for evaluating this severe behavior disorders.

I can only use the actual levels, the parts per million levels. I just have to disregard the chart because the charts are crazy. They tend to make it look like everybody has toxic metal overload.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: So in general the actual levels are okay but you would say like if it is in the red or in the yellow it may be okay.

[William J. Walsh]: It may be, we now done this enough times. I have done maybe 100,000 of this and I know what normal and health is. Everybody has some of these toxics in their body. We all have toxic metals in our body.

For example mercury, just from breathing in America, you get one microgram of mercury just from breathing and you get typically about 25 micrograms of mercury from a typical diet. And if you have tuna fish for lunch, you might have 50 micrograms of mercury.

Your body has to deal with toxic metals every day. Every brain cell in your body has toxics come in and leave every day. Your brain has toxics that enter the brain and depart the brain every day and you have got protectors in the brain, things like glutathione and metallothionein that are there to protect you.

And if any of these gets into the brain, it immediately reacts with it to keep it safe, but some people do not have that antioxidant protection. And we think that has a lot to do with Alzheimer’s disease, and other forms of dementia. Older people need to protect their brains with antioxidant supplements.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: So it is pretty amazing all the areas you have worked in over the years. It is pretty much every aspects of the brain. Who besides yourself would you recommend to talk about these types of brain biomarkers and biometrics, someone who knows the brain perhaps in different areas, some people read their work and you find it good and you would recommend it or offer it like that.

[William J. Walsh]: Well there are a lot of people that do a very much job of nutrition biochemistry you might say and some people that I totally respect. Many of them are not in to the new knowledge. They do not track the brain science up to date especially the new impact of epigenetic switch.

So there is so much more about nutritional therapies especially related to brain disorders and mental disorders. We have put a list of them on our website, the next book I’ll write I hope they have a very long list of doctors who I think are very capable of doing this.

But there are not too many people out there who are doing our testing and our treatment methods that is why we are focusing our attention now on training doctors to do this and we have now trained about 200 doctors around the world that are doing this and I get such enthusiastic reactions when I talk to them about how they are so excited about how they can now help patients they could not help before and do it without drugs.

We are not enclosed to drugs. I want to make that plaint. Drugs, antidepressants, antipsychotics, so I have helped millions of people but I think that in most cases, improvements are partial in nature and the side effects very often are intolerable or very unpleasant and I think we need to move toward a better world, a better time when we can at least reduce the amount of the drugs.

In schizophrenics, most of them are on very heavy antipsychotic medication. Right now our knowledge level is not to the point where we can offer the likelihood to do nutrient therapy of eliminating their medications.

So what we do is we keep people on their medication, do our nutrient therapy together, do both at the same time. After about three or four months after we have completed our part of it, we then test lower and lower levels of the medication.

For depression, for anxiety, for behavior disorders, about 80% of the people tell us that they are at their best with zero medication. 20% say they would lose something if they get rid of the last piece of the medication and we say so be it.

We are not opposed to medication. We just want people to be functioning at their highest level. In schizophrenia, it is unusual. We can usually have schizophrenics become far more functional and many of them live a normal life, they can return to a normal life and be self dependent.

They usually need some medication support in the case of schizophrenia because our knowledge level is not high enough yet to eliminate the medication.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: That is great. Thanks for those details. Last question, I just love to know what data metrics do you track for your own body on a routine basis, is there anything you keep an eye on for yourself?

[William J. Walsh]: Well about 35 years ago I brought a group of criminals fresh out of the prison to see Carl Pfeiffer and these are all sociopaths who had done terrible things. And when I was there he said I could not ask anybody to go through this test unless I was willing to do it myself.

So he ranged me through this complete array of biochemical test and he found out that I had two rather significant chemical imbalances. He found out that I was zinc deficient. Since I met Pfeiffer, I am now taking 100 milligrams of zinc a day and I do blood testing and it is just barely enough to keep my blood level normal.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: So how often do you test for that?

[William J. Walsh]: Now that I am an adult, I did it last year and maybe five years before that. Every once and a while I will check on it to make sure that I am okay, that it is the right level. Some people do not need anything. A lot of people get those linked from their diet. In my case, I have a genetic weakness with respect to zinc.

Another thing he found was that I was very high histamine undermethylated person. For example I am sure I am MTHFR, probably 677. I am not going to bother to test it because I expect it and I doesn’t matter anyway whether I am or not.

I am undermethylated, the way I corrected that, I used to be with methionine but now I take 400 milligrams of SAMe a day and for me that works really well and what it does for me, it does two things. I used to have migraine headaches and they have disappeared ever since I’ve take some methylation.

And I also had really severe seasonal allergies, ragweed, grasses, I don’t want allergies. That has also disappeared as soon as I went on Pfeiffer’s program.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: That is very interesting. I have exactly the same issue before I went on to methylation taking SAMe, headaches and my seasonal allergies, then went, and I’d never had those allergies until I got into my 30s.

[William J. Walsh]: I also had a tendency for low serotonin depression abut it has never happened perhaps because of methylation.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Yeah well just personally on that level, for your undermethylation, do you test every month or once every six months or once every year for yourself?

[William J. Walsh]: It is not necessary. Once you have determined your methylation tendency which you were born with, you have that the rest of your life. It is not going to change. I have never retested my histamine after the first couple of times.

And with patients, once you have done the histamine test a couple of times to verify that in fact you know what your methylation tendency is. You do not ever need to test it again because that is something that is part of them for the rest of their lives.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: That is great. Well it sounds like you have everything under control for your own body without doing much testing apart from the zinc just every now and again.

[William J. Walsh]: Yes, so far so good. I do not take any drugs. I have it handy, since then I needed to go and see a doctor for the last 25 years but I think also it is great Carl Pfeiffer when he studied my biochemistry. He gave me a treatment program to normalize my chemistry.

I am not sure but I am not going to stop taking it. I think it has probably helped me.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Yes. That is great to hear. William, thank you so much for the interview today. It has been absolutely amazing. We have covered lots of topics I expected to and many topics I did not know about and I am really glad we had to cover too.

[William J. Walsh]: Okay Damien. It has been a pleasure talking to you.

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Whether you’re a professional athlete or a weekend warrior, taking a break from mental work to hit the gym at weekends, recovery is an important part of how you train.

When we don’t recover sufficiently we end up decreasing our performance and health rather than getting the results we desire – higher performance, beating our records and increasing our health and wellbeing overall. In today’s chronically stressed world, it’s all too easy to over train as we are so used to the constant stress burden.

Most people are aware of this now. But it’s still difficult to manage, even with this knowledge. How do we know when we need to take a break from training? When a workout is going to have an overall negative impact rather than the positive one we seek?

Enter “Heart Rate Variability” also known as HRV.

HRV is being increasingly used by professional athletes and the everyday gym goer to attempt to better manage recovery by providing an estimate of when we are over stressed vs. well recovered. Trying to answer the question – should I leave it a few more days before my next workout? Or should I go easy in today’s workout?

Over the last few years a large number of devices and applications have been hitting the market so HRV is a lot more accessible now. With just an iPhone or Android app and a relatively cheap sensor you’re ready to go. While many of these HRV apps look very straightforward, there is actually a lot to them with different metrics, and correct vs. incorrect approaches to using them.

To cover the HRV topic in depth, today’s guest is Andrew Flatt, owner of the blog HRVTraining.com – which is one of the best resources on using HRV for training I’ve found to date.

Andrew is a PhD student at the university of Alabama who has been working in the Human Performance Lab at Auburn University on research related to HRV and exercise. He has been making use of HRV since 2011 to monitor and optimize his own training and that of the athletes he coaches. He is also an accomplished athlete himself, and was the 2010 Canadian National raw powerlifting champion.

Andrew is very hands on and has done a lot of on the ground work with HRV, so he has a great practical as well as research-based perspective on how to use heart rate variability to optimize training.

itunes quantified body

Show Notes

  • What HRV (Heart Rate Variability) is and what it measures
  • How to use HRV to optimize your workout schedule, cycling of workouts and recovery from illness
  • The mechanisms behind HRV: vagal tone, autonomic nervous system activation, sympathetic and parasympathetic activity
  • A review of the different HRV metrics, and why RMSSD is recommended for convenience and non-professional use
  • The devices and apps you need to track your HRV at home and their accuracy (EKG/ ECG, finger light sensor, ear light sensor, phone and web apps)
  • Additional features that are useful in the apps to give more meaning to the HRV data
  • The impact of lifestyle activities on HRV (partying, sleep, sickness, alcohol and diet)
  • Benchmarks of HRV scores for strength and cardiovascular athletes vs. non-athletes – what’s a good HRV that indicates good recovery? What’s a bad HRV that indicates a need to recover?
  • Taking your readings methodology – arguments for Supine (lying down) vs. standing up
  • How and when to take your HRV readings to ensure that the data is accurate and meaningful for optimizing training
  • How HRV varies according to your age, gender, lifestyle, training schedule and type of training (cardiovascular vs. strength/ resistance training)
  • What Andrew sees coming up over the next years in the HRV domain and how it’s going to be useful
  • Andrew’s top recommendations on using data to improve decisions around training and health

Biomarkers in this Episode

  • Heart Rate Variability (HRV): Measures how your heart rate varies over time. Research studies link HRV to recovery status, stress and other aspects of human physiology.
  • R-R intervals: Time interval in between heart beats (R = peak of heart beat).
  • Resting Heart Rate (RHR): Measure of your heart rate at rest (typically measured upon waking).
  • RMSSD (Root Mean Square of the Successive Differences): A measure used to calculate HRV that has proven to be reliable and is used in a lot of the research studies – Andrew’s preferred measure.
  • lnRMSSDx20 (RMSSD with natural log and multiple of 20 applied): Applications have begun using this measure, which is basically RMSSD scaled to an index of 100, to make it more user friendly.
  • LF (Low Frequency): Spectral measure that indicates combination of parasympathetic and sympathetic activation.
  • HF (High Frequency): Spectral measure that indicates parasympathetic activation.
  • Coefficient of Variation (CV): Measure of variance across a set time period (Andrew has found to have good correlation vs. weekly mean value).
  • 7-Day Trailing Average HRV: Average of HRV values used to track your progress over time. Andrew uses this mostly to guide his training now.

Devices/ Apps from the Episode

Other Resources Mentioned in this Episode

Interview Transcript

Transcript - Click Here to Read
[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Andrew, thank you very much for coming on the show. It is a great pleasure to have you here.

[Andrew Flatt]: The pleasure is mine, Damien. Thanks for having me.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Thanks. What I thought we would do to start with is jump into what is HRV a little bit – Heart Rate Variability – so that people who haven’t come across this before can have a rough understanding of what it is and where it was.

[Andrew Flatt]: Sure. So heart rate variability often gets confused with basic heart rate, which is measured in beats per minute. Heart rate variability differs by measuring the actual time difference between heartbeats.

So on an electrocardiogram we R-to-R (R-R) intervals and from breathing patterns there is variance between successive R-R intervals. And what heart rate variability is doing is capturing those changes between those heartbeats.

So it is a little bit more specific of a measurement but it is not dissimilar from basic heart rates, so people shouldn’t get too confused with it.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: So could you give me a quick overview – what is heart rate variability, HRV, and how do you use it? What is it all about?

[Andrew Flatt]: So your resting heart rate is generally not consistent. We learn in a textbook that a heart beats approximately every 0.8 seconds for an average of 75 beats per minute. What that doesn’t factor in is the actual changes in heart rate, the subtle changes that, in response to respiration, where when you breathe in your heart rate actually speeds in a little bit and when you breathe out your heart rate will slow down. And that is normal.

That is called respiratory sinus arrhythmia. And essentially what heart rate variability is capturing is those subtle changes in heart rate in response to respiration. So heart rate in beats per minute is kind of giving you that average of how many beats there were, whereas the variability is telling you how much variation there was between the beats.

Now, there are various statistical procedures and so forth that we can assess variability. There is a standard deviation, there is the Rubian square, there are spectral analyses. So there are various parameters for heart rate variability but in a nutshell it is just measuring the variance and changes between the time interval between heartbeats.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Right, and you brought up a little bit of terminology there – it is R-R intervals, which is basically R means the top of the beat, the kind of spike of the beat that you kind of see on the electrocardiogram, so R-R just means the time in between beats, correct?

[Andrew Flatt]: Right, because they are such high peaks it is really easy to measure the interval between them so that is generally why the R-R intervals have been used.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Right, and just out of interest, why is it called an R? Why isn’t it called a beat?

[Andrew Flatt]: The peaks are just alphabetically named. There is the P, QRS complex, the T-wave, so – we just –

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: And the peak just happens to be the R, good. So I know that you have been using HRV in a bunch of areas to basically make better decisions, mostly about training. Could you talk about the different scenarios you have been looking at it with and where you find it most useful?

[Andrew Flatt]: Well, I think it just comes down to why I started measuring heart rate variability. I first learned about it just reading on some strength and condition forums, a website called [lead ips .com 00:03:22]. And there were some strength coaches talking about how they are using it with their athletes, so I kind of gained interest in it then.

But it wasn’t until I was preparing for a powerlifting competition and training was going really well. I was pushing it real hard and I was set to set some personal record at a lighter body weight when all of a sudden, I took a dive and I actually got a little bit of a cold. I took a few days off from it and I went back and hit the weights and things were just feeling real heavy.

And it was too close to competition for me to really fix things and I actually ended up pulling out of the meet and I was really disappointed. And I thought to myself there has got to be some kind of way that I can better manage my training and maybe kind of prevent this or see it coming a little bit better.

So that was kind of the motivation to actually purchase a heart rate variability device and start using it. So my original motivation was to guide my own training. I am involved in powerlifting so it was kind of a selfish motivation more so than working with athletes, but eventually that is kind of where it came to, where I would actually start using it with athletes.

I was training friends and colleagues and I would get them using it and look at their data. And that is kind of how things went from there.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: So you obviously found it very useful, to have gone into an insight using this with other people now. So what kind of decisions do you make based on this? Is this is the only indicator you use? Is it the main indicator you use with your training program and deciding when to change up the variables?

[Andrew Flatt]: You know, when I first started using the device I was very skeptical at first. I didn’t know much about it other than what I read on the forms and what I actually did was for six months I used it and collected data, but I did not use it for any kind of decision making.

In fact, I really didn’t look at the trends or analyze anything until after about six months when I would kind of look at the trend and I would look at my training log and I would try to see what it was telling me in the first place. I think one of the biggest mistakes is people get a device and they think they know how to use it and then they want to start making decisions with it.

I think you almost want to do some kind of cross validation with it on yourself first and see what it is telling you in response to training or in response to different kind of life events – you get sick, you travel – what is it showing you? Is it meaningful? Can that drive better decision making?

And essentially, what I found was after six months of using it I would look back on it and after heavy training sessions I would see a decrease in my HRV score. Most noticeably I would see, after any kind of a new training stimulus, so being involved in powerlifting I wasn’t doing a whole lot of conditioning work but at the time I was doing my Masters, I was working with a whole bunch of other people.

In the weight room I was a grad assistant strength coach and they love to do conditioning on Wednesdays. So on Wednesday morning, we would go and run these stairs, and man, it was tough for me – being a power lifter and not running since I played football years before. And my HRV scores would just absolutely plummet after these sessions.

But after a few weeks I would notice smaller and smaller fluctuations in my scores and I was kind of reflecting the progressive adaptation for that training stimulus, and I thought that was kind of cool.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Right, so what kind of impacts do you see? So, once your score has plummeted, what does that mean the next day? Say you start the day and you track your HRV and your score has plummeted, what does that mean in terms of how you are going to be feeling? What does that mean in terms of how it is going to change the decisions you make that day?

[Andrew Flatt]: A low score can definitely be the result of a heavy training session. Unfortunately it is not that simple. One of the great things about HRV is also one of its downfalls, that it is a global marker of stressors, whether that is physical, mental, or chemical. So not always will you see a low score because of training, it can be brought on by other things. So you really need to be tracking other variables to really make a meaningful interpretation of what the data is telling you.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Right, so in the context of your training program, if nothing else changes it is kind of like that it then should be down to your training?

[Andrew Flatt]: Right, so I think one of the main things is are you an aerobic athlete? Are you an anaerobic athlete? Are you a team sport athlete? It depends on your training because what heart rate variability is, is it is a reflection of the cardiovascular autonomous nervous system. So for the most part, and especially within the research, it has predominantly been used with aerobic athletes and that is kind of who would most benefit from it.

I mean, resistance-training athletes, at this point it is all experimental to see what it is we are actually showing but it doesn’t necessarily reflect muscle soreness. It doesn’t necessarily reflect muscle damage or your neuromuscular abilities for that day, your CNS potential. It is a reflection of the cardiovascular autonomic nervous system, which is still a very important piece physiologically for being prepared for training.

So it is only one marker to consider the cardiovascular system is extremely important with the recovery process, with removing waste products, and so forth. So when the cardiovascular autonomic nervous system has kind of rebounded back to baseline levels or super-compensated to above, that would indicate that system is ready to go and it is more likely to be in a more adaptive state to any kind of physical stress.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Right, so you have mentioned that it is the autonomic nervous system and another thing that we often hear is that it is an indicator of vagal tone. What does that mean?

[Andrew Flatt]: So the autonomic nervous system, simply put, is divided into two branches – you have your sympathetic branch and your parasympathetic branch. The term ‘vagal’ is referring to the vagus nerve, which is essentially the parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system.

You have parasympathetic innervation in the heart that essentially – in any kind of physiology class your professor will give you the car analogy, where if your foot is on the brake the car is not moving, and that is your rest and response. And the autonomic nervous system is taking care of all the things that we don’t consciously control – so our blood pressure, digestion, endocrine gland secretion, and so forth. And then when you take that foot off the brake you have that withdrawal of parasympathetic or vagal activity.

Then when you hit the accelerator all of a sudden you get that sympathetic output and that is going to actually increase heart rate and prepare you for any kind of stressful events, whether it is exercise or simple postural change from lying down to standing up. You have to pump blood to the brain so you don’t pass out and that is a sympathetic response.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Right, and another way I have heard it described it is that basically your parasympathetic is trying to balance your system so that the vagal tone is the ability for you to balance and respond to stressors around you. Is that another way you look at it, or is that not correct?

[Andrew Flatt]: Yeah, so essentially the sympathetic nervous system will be quite active during physical stress like exercise and then to recover from that is when your parasympathetic nervous system will help rebuild structures and repair the damage essentially that occurs during those stressful events.

So that is why measuring your parasympathetic activity on a day-to-day basis is a reasonably good indicator of your recovery status. If your body is still stressed from training and you have a higher sympathetic output or even just parasympathetic withdrawal, you know that your system may not be fully recovered.

Now, what I want to be clear is that it doesn’t mean that you can’t train if your HRV is a little bit low. And a lot of these apps, what I think people need to understand, is only measuring parasympathetic activity through a timed domain measured called RMSSD. So that does not give you any indication of sympathetic activity. It is purely vagally-mediated, so parasympathetic.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: So just a couple of other terms that you hear quite a lot is LF, low frequency, and HF, high frequency. As I understand it they often say LF is the sympathetic stressor and HF is the parasympathetic relaxation. Is that true or is it more complex? Some of the apps track the LF and the HF as well, but some of them don’t.

[Andrew Flatt]: So the way you are talking about it, they are called spectral measures from frequency domain analysis. HF generally does indicated parasympathetic activity. LF actually would be indicative of both parasympathetic and sympathetic activity. So it is not as clear as we would like it to be, where HF is parasympathetic and LF is sympathetic and it gives you an indication of sympathovagal balance, they call it.

It isn’t that clear and one of the issues with the spectral measures that you are referring to is that in terms of their practicality and field settings, they require longer measurement durations for a valid assessment. These are less reliable markers on a day-to-day basis so it has kind of been recommended that RMSSD is the preferred parameter, especially for convenience and non-expert users in the field that just need a simple number that they can read and interpret real easily. The RMSSD value is preferred for that.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: So is RMSSD the one that has the most research behind it?

[Andrew Flatt]: Well with RMSSD, the reason why it is preferred is that it is a more reliable marker. It is very easy to calculate. If you have R-R intervals you can actually calculate RMSSD in Excel – it’s a statistical measure, root mean square of successive R-R interval differences, that is what it stands for. It is consistent in paced or non-paced reading situations, where as HF and LF are going to be a lot more influenced by your breathing rate.

So, for in the field with athletes who may not be sticking to a certain respiratory rate or whatever, it is not going to affect your numbers as much. And lastly, I kind of got to it before, is it can be calculated in a relatively short time frame. In fact, you can get an RMSSD measure in ten seconds; however, that generally isn’t enough R-R intervals to capture a real window of that autonomic activity.

So actually part of our research was seeing what is the shortest timeframe we can measure HRV in with RMSSD and what we did was we found 60 seconds to be no different than a criterion measure, which has been established as five minutes. So we essentially randomly selected 60-second segments within a five-minute ECG and we found no differences. But when we looked at 30 seconds and 10 seconds there was less agreement with the five-minute measure. So our conclusions were that 60 seconds was probably enough time to get a valid HRV reading with RMSSD.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: That’s great, that’s very short. A lot of the apps, you said, do a lot of the standard – I think it just comes from the research, which is five minutes for a recording. But a lot of the apps now are looking at like three minutes or something like that. What kind of variance do you see across the apps? Have you seen any apps that go as low as 60 seconds, making it a lot more convenient?

[Andrew Flatt]: Yeah, there are some apps – ithlete, for example, is an app that uses a 55-second test. There is another app call HRV4Training that uses – it actually allows you to select your test duration so there is a 60-second option. I believe there is a two-minute option, a three-minute option. And then I think there is a device called Tink that I believe is a 40 or 45-second test. I used that briefly. And the other apps tend to use a little bit longer.

Now, the longer measurement is certainly not a bad thing to get a bigger sample of R-R intervals for analysis. The issue comes down to is the athlete or the client – are you willing to do that every day? If it is two or three minutes, that can be a little bit long. Fifty-five seconds or one minute, that is generally not too bad. I find it more tolerable with the athletes I have used it with. Generally they can handle it, so it call comes down to preference, right?

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Yeah, totally. So we talked a little bit about the apps. So I would like to dive into that because I know there are quite a few out there and there are a lot of them coming into the market now and HRV is just starting to become pretty popular. So basically you are going to have a device for tracking your heart rate and you are going to have an app to go with it. Which ones have you looked at and what are the tradeoffs and benefits of each? Have you got preferences and so on?

[Andrew Flatt]: So I first started out with the ithlete app. That was the one I read on the forums that people were talking about. In fact, I think it was the only one available at the time.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: So when was this, by the way?

[Andrew Flatt]: This was 2011, early. I think around summer 2011 is when I actually bought it. So that specific device at the time required a heart rate strap and a little ECG transmitter/receiver device that you would actually plug into the headphone jack of your mobile phone. And again, it was a 55-second test and I have stuck with that device.

There are a few reasons why I have stuck with it, one being that it uses such short measurement duration. And especially now that I have looked at the data, I am quite confident that short of a duration is still going to give acceptable measures or more valid data. So I have stuck with that but I have used others. I have done some beta testing for some people and looked at some other apps. And at the end of the day you just want one that you are going to be able to use and that provides your data that is easy to interpret, nice visual trends, health, or whatever is more affordable for you.

There have been some advancements in technology that allow you to measure HRV without an ECG receiver. Now you can just use a Bluetooth heart rate strap with some of these devices. There was recently validated, a pulse wave finger sensor that ithlete is using that you can literally without any kind of heart rate strap you just plug your finger into this little finger sensor device that is plugged into the headphone jack and you can actually get your heart rate reading from the pulse at your fingertip.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: How accurate do you think that is? Because I used one of those for something called Heart Math, which is using HRV but in a different area and that uses your ear. So it is collecting your pulse from your ear. But I find that every time I move in any little way that it is messing with the signal and it is not very clear. So do you find the finger sensor? Because it is using light, right? So it is pulsing light in to see what your heart rate is. Do you find that reliable?

[Andrew Flatt]: I think we have about 15 athletes where we looked at the pulse wave finger sensor and compared it to EKG. They were soccer players, male and female. We did supine and standing positions. And it was accurate. It was more accurate in the supine position but acceptable agreement also in the standing position. So we haven’t published that yet. We want to collect more data on it. But I am pretty confident in it based on the data that I have collected with it.

Now the pulse wave finger sensor device, that is not putting your finger over the camera lens – where the flash goes. That is not what we measure, just to be clear.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: So if someone is getting one of these apps, what would be your suggestion? So all of them are using RMSSD, I’m assuming. I know the one I am using, Sweetwater HRV plus a Polar H7 strap, so the heart rate with the Bluetooth that you mentioned earlier for an iPhone 5. So that works fine for me and that was relatively cheap to get off and running with. So I know that Sweetwater, for example, they take RMSSD and they modify it a little bit. They put it on this 1-100 index. Do the other apps modify this? Are there compatibility problems later if you want to switch apps and you can’t compare your score?

[Andrew Flatt]: So Sweetwater, or the SweetBeat app, I have actually experimented with and that, from when I used it, was providing various HRV parameters. It was giving you the HF, the LF, RMSSD, SDNN – numerous parameters of HRV, which is great if you know what those mean and how to interpret them. But I generally tell people to look at the RMSSD.

I know when ithlete started using a modified RMSSD value what they essentially did was they logged transformed RMSSD and multiplied it by 20, and that gives you a figure on a 100-point scale. BioForce uses that value. I wasn’t aware that Sweetwater or that the SweetBeat device did or not. I thought it was a raw RMSSD value, but I could be wrong.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: I actually spoke to them one time, so it is definitely a modified scale version of it.

[Andrew Flatt]: Okay, so then they probably use that value or something very similar. Now, not all apps use that value. For example, Omegawave has a smartphone app and they are using their own algorithm to come up with a daily readiness score, so they are factoring in HF, LF, the HF-LF ratio, RMSSD, so it is not one parameter that they use. So there is difference among the apps and what they interpret. So it is something you would probably want to look into.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Right, and you probably don’t want to switch around too much once you have settled on one.

[Andrew Flatt]: Right, you find an app that you like. What is most important for the end user is I think the visualization of the data and how they can view it so they can see what their kind is like, how it is responding to their training. One of the things I really appreciate about the ithlete app is that it allows you to input your training load score, so depending on what kind of training you are doing or how you choose to quantify your training load you have your RPE values and you can calculate tonnage for weightlifting or powerlifting.

You can do a trim value for endurance athletes or what have you. So you can input a training load value and then it also gives you the ability to track your cyclometrics, you perceived level of stress, sleep quality, muscle soreness, mood, your nutrition. There is a sliding scale for that you can kind of rate. So all of a sudden you have a device that isn’t just tracking your HRV but it is kind of monitoring several variables which really makes interpretation of your HRV trend more meaningful. I know BioForce has an online system where you can go on, input your data similar to the ithlete one.

I am not sure if you can do that from the app or not at this point but it is a very similar system. So that is another great product to look into. So when you are evaluating what app you want to use, you want to look at what additional features it has to offer because an HRV score by itself is less meaningful without all this other information. So the more information you have and that you can maybe attribute your changes and your trend to, the better off you are going to be.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Right, I know for me there have been a few times where there has been a huge crash and I have been wondering what happened. I didn’t have a big training session or anything yesterday, so it is definitely like this little investigation sometimes – why did my HRV crash? I know you have got some interesting stories about times that you have seen athletes or your own scores crash. What kind of things have you seen the influence where it crashes? Have there been any times where you really didn’t find any reason for it?

[Andrew Flatt]: I mean, if we are talking a substantial decrease in your score, usually it is pretty easy to attribute it to something. Sometimes it is these smaller deflections where you are like, you know, I am kind of surprised it is that low today. That may be harder to attribute to something specifically. But if you wake up with fever, you are going to have some real low scores and your heart rate is going to be high and you are going to have some low scores.

One of my coolest little anecdotes that I have with using an HRV app is when I got real sick a couple years ago over March break and HRV I was able to use to guide my training to where I could kind of start pushing it hard again and kind of get back to my normal routine.

For a week I had terrible symptoms. I had fever, I wasn’t able to train. My scores were really low. Once my symptoms kind of subsided and I wanted to get back into training, what I was seeing was from very moderate workouts, very low-intensity, something I would consider like a D-load type of workout, these were causing pretty substantial decreases in my HRV so I could see that my body was reacting to the training. But it was quite stressful, according to those scores.

So I would actually continue to train relatively light until my scores wouldn’t fluctuate so much and that is when I would actually start pushing harder again and I could see in my trend that it wasn’t as stressful. I wasn’t seeing as big of swings in my scores and I was kind of able to guide myself out of that situation where typically a meathead like me, I will just start pushing the weight as hard as I can as soon as I feel ready, which may not have necessarily been the best thing to do at that time.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Right, totally. I have been in similar situations myself. I know I had a score of 80 just recently and it crashed to about 50. I don’t know if that something you see often?

[Andrew Flatt]: Yeah, that’s a big drop. Were you able to attribute that to anything?

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Yeah, I have been suffering from a chronic illness and it has something to do with that, so it is pretty serious. It is a pretty serious thing, it is not a typical thing. So in terms of someone a bit more normal, who is not dealing with medical issues or anything, what would a typical rash look like? Is it 20 points?

[Andrew Flatt]: Everyone is individual and unique. Every individual’s data needs to be taken in the context of what kind of training they are doing, how advanced they are, how trained they are. A more advanced endurance athlete, for example, will see smaller swings more than likely. They will recover faster.

You take an untrained individual and you put them through an intense workout, whether it is weights or conditioning, and they are going to see a big drop. That can last for 48 to maybe 72 hours. So every situation is unique and every individual really needs to take some time to collect some data and observe how their trend is evolving in response to their training because unfortunately you can’t just say that this means that for everyone, because that is just not the case.

And you really do have to maybe do some calculations with your data in Excel, looking at the weekly mean value. You look at the variance within that week and all that kind of analysis will give you a better indication of how you are responding to your training.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: So of course, a lot of the other things that athletes look into when they are training are all sorts of lifestyle factors that could be affecting their recovery and how they are performing. I know that you have had many experiences with this and in one post you talked about travel and in another you talked about going home for was it Christmas or Thanksgiving? And seeing some stuff there.

What kind of situations have you seen – like another guy who went on Spring Break and he was partying a bit? What situations have you seen that could be said to be obvious, but what kind of things would you say to look at? Just typical things that you have seen affect it.

[Andrew Flatt]: Yeah, so your lifestyle absolutely will affect your HRV responses. For example, working with a soccer team, we put them through a hard week of training and we see pretty typical HRV responses and then half of them go out on Saturday night partying, maybe having a couple of drinks, I don’t know. And the other half maybe stays at home, gets to bed at a reasonable hour, and you can definitely kind of predict who was out that night based on that.

Now, you definitely would need to do a little bit more investigation. You can’t just look at a score and say, ‘This person did this.’ But it does give you some kind of indication that maybe you have to look into what is going on. Was it the night before a game? How are your athletes behaving?

Not necessarily a tool to spy on anyone or anything, but it kind of will lead to some questions. Why isn’t this person recovering? Why are their scores low? Are they getting sick? Are they staying up too late? Are they not getting enough sleep? Sleep is definitely one factor that will affect your score. Alcohol – if you are out drinking you are definitely going to see some lower scores the next day.

Like I said before, with illness your scores will definitely drop from that. In my experience any time I have gotten a cold or especially a fever, the score has dropped. Now you were referring to some of my older posts where I talk about I actually went home to visit some family that I get to see maybe once or twice a year. And I actually had really high scores the next day. Is that the reason why they were high? I don’t know, that is just speculation.

But anything that you perceive to be very restful, whether that is sauna, you get a book and read outside, get some sun – something that you perceive to be restful and relaxation is generally going to promote some of that parasympathetic activity and that restoration that we want to get. So I think it depends on the individual and their own personality for what they perceive to be regenerating and relaxing.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Well certainly sometimes I will take a specific day off and say okay, I am going to recover this day because I need to because my HRV is down. And it definitely pushes the score up, I have seen that many times. So like you say, the relaxation could be different for different people. But it definitely seems to impact the score if you take a day off and forget the work and all the other stressors. I don’t know if you have seen examples of work stress figure into this?

[Andrew Flatt]: I have seen some studies. I am not as interested in that so I don’t pay too much attention, but there is definitely a stressful lifestyle, whether that is from work, you can have money problems. These are all things that can affect your autonomic nervous system. So it can be apparent in your HRV score. One thing I found is just within the literature but also through trial and error, that some light aerobic work has a stimulatory effect on parasympathetic activity. So some active recovery can really help get people’s scores up.

In fact, just a few weeks ago I was going through kind of a work capacity phase where I was just trying to get in better shape, bring up my aerobic fitness a little bit, so after my resistance training sessions I was doing 10 to 15 minutes on the bike, on off days I was doing 20 minutes on the treadmill or 10 minutes on the treadmill and 10 minutes on the roller, just trying to increase my fitness a little bit. And I have actually never seen anything like it in my trend before.

I wasn’t seeing any really big swings from day to day, even after a heavy resistance training session with five sets of five with 80% plus. Normally that would result in a lower score the next day but it appeared that these smaller aerobic sessions really attenuated those swings day to day so I was seeing very little variance between my scores for that two-week period, but then as soon as I stopped keeping up with that it went back to my old-fashioned hard workout and you see a lower score and it takes a day or two to come back up.

So it is interesting how much of an effect just light aerobic exercise has on stimulating that parasympathetic activity. There is definitely a threshold where too much or too intense and it will have the opposite effect, but a reasonably late session for not too long generally has a stimulatory effect and you will see a bump in your HRV 24 hours later or so.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: So are you saying that is something that is going to help people? Or is this just modulating the HRV but it is not going to impact your actual recovery? So it is just modifying the number but it is kind of hiding the fact that your HRV would have gone down?

[Andrew Flatt]: Well, I think again it comes back down to what your training goals are. Now after a heavy squat session and I do some cardio, some light aerobic work after, and I don’t see a drop in my HRV, that doesn’t mean I am going to be able to go squat heavy again necessarily. It is just saying that my cardiovascular autonomic nervous system has rebounded back to baseline level, so that system may be ready to go again. So again it comes down to context.

If you are more of an endurance athlete it would probably be more of a marker of when you are ready to train again, but with resistance training there is muscular damage. That isn’t necessarily reflected in your HRV. There is just not enough data yet to show that an HRV score is related to any kind of nervous system potential for strength scores or power or anything like that.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: That is interesting because one of the things you mentioned was that when you are doing something new, some kind of new activity, some type of new training, that you see your score crash down in particular in those situations. Is that – do you think it is because of neuromuscular or metabolic adaptation that has to take place there? What do you think that is down to?

[Andrew Flatt]: Probably a combination of everything. You have introduced a novel stimulus that your body hasn’t necessarily adapted to yet or in a long time so it is just harder to recover from. I don’t have the answer for that. It hasn’t really been, at least I haven’t seen anything to explain why – that is just how it is. A novel stimulus, whether it is conditioning, resistance training – if you do a drastic change in your volume or intensity, from what I have seen it is going to cause a lower score than typical. But with persistence and that new training modality or those methods you will see that progressive adaptation and you will see smaller swings after the body kind of adapts. It gets more familiar with it. There is probably a better scientific explanation, I just don’t have it for you right now.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Great, so I want to talk about recording – how you record it, what kind of numbers you want to make sure you get, frequency, and so on. But just before that, how about baseline? Can you increase your baseline over time? Or are we just looking kind of like at the dips and the highs and trying to keep it in the highs more and slacking off when we have more of the dips? Or are we able to actually influence this and in a way build more resilience over time?

[Andrew Flatt]: Your lifestyle is going to change, your training is going to change, your training frequency. If you are a competitive athlete that you have different seasons, different times, that is all going to affect your HRV because your training is going to change. You are not going to always be doing the same type of training. You might be doing less aerobic work in a different phase and that aerobic work is really what stimulates those higher HRV scores.

So if you are doing less aerobic work you are going to see lower scores. So you do have to take whatever your baseline is – you have to take it into context for that training phase and your new training goal, so you absolutely have to have an evolving baseline. A lot of the apps will use a rolling 7-day average but generally at the start of a phase you look at your first week, you look at the average, you look at the variance within that week.

A simple value to use is called the coefficient of variation. It is just the standard deviation divided by the mean times 100, and that gives you a percent value of the variance, and see how it evolves from there.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: So what do you use the COV for?

[Andrew Flatt]: So the Coefficient of Variation is where you have a weekly mean value, which is just the average of a 7-day period. That average doesn’t necessarily indicate or reflect how much fluctuation existed between those scores on a day-to-day basis, right?

So we want some kind of value or figure similar to a standard deviation of how much variance there was because let’s just say your average between two weeks is no different, but you have much more fluctuation in one week than the other – well, that could be indicative of some positive adaptation or I have a case study that we did with a cross country endurance athlete that should be published in one of the next editions of Australian Strength and Conditioning.

We actually found that his CV value, the coefficient of variation, was much more related to his endurance performance than his weekly mean value. And we get into possible explanations of why in the paper but the variance is important.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: So you want less variance, which means that your system is dealing with the different stressors and it changes more easily?

[Andrew Flatt]: I don’t think – I think it is a matter of maybe when you want that. If you are seeing big fluctuations in your scores that is not a bad thing. That is your body adapting and adjusting to the training. But that probably means that you are not in the best state to compete at your best or to perform at your best because your body is adapting and it is going through the stress and recovery phases.

But all of a sudden you have been doing that training for a while and you see less fluctuation in your scores and there is maybe less – it is not the same amount of stress as your body initially perceived it as and had you recover from. You may be in a situation where your performance – you may be at a higher level of performance.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Yeah, it sounds like COV low variance could mean that you have adapted to whatever stimulus you are giving yourself, and that could be lifestyle or it could be training. And in another situation if it is pretty high it could mean that something different is going on and your body is adapting to it.

If it has got high variance it could be a good thing if you are going through these training sessions. It is showing that your body is going through that adaptation, does that makes sense?

[Andrew Flatt]: Absolutely. And one thing I need to point out is I started using the COV value after reading a case study by Daniel Plews and Martin Buchheit and all those guys that are the experts in this area. And what they found with the CV was in an overtrained, high-level endurance athlete I believe the CV was related with the progression of overtraining.

So when you are looking at any kind of value, whether it is the mean or the CV, you really need to look at the training load. You need to look at their perceived levels of fatigue and stress to really give more meaning to that value. So again, a high HRV score or an increasing trend can also be indicative of overtraining and mostly in endurance athletes. So you kind of have to look at these other factors.

The HRV scores alone aren’t going to tell you much without all this other information. So the CV, whether it is good or bad or whether we want it or not depends entirely on the context of that training and what is going on with the athlete and how far we are from competition, so there is no such thing as we want this, maybe in certain phases we want this, but it is all relative to the individual and to the training, so everything needs to be factored in.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: If you take two athletes or perhaps an athlete and a non-athlete and you compare their HRVs, their 7-day average right and getting their baseline, are they going to be different? Is the athlete’s going to be higher? Is that something like going back to your baseline, is that something you want to be higher or you should be trying to get higher over time. Is it possible?

[Andrew Flatt]: I mean, the average person, just for the cardio-protective benefits of having a higher parasympathetic activity at rest definitely generally higher HRV is a good thing. If you take a team of athletes and you have them monitor their HRV, you are going to get different scores and a group of female soccer players that I work with over this past season, their average scores range from the low-70s up to a couple of girls that were pushing 100.

There is a genetic factor here. There is lifestyle, there is fitness. All these things come into play and you can maybe generalize that an endurance athlete who has a very low resting heart rate is going to have higher HRV, which can be in the 90s plus anaerobic athletes can be between the 70s and high 80s, depending on their fitness level.

So you could maybe say that this would be where the average would be for this type of athlete, but in my experience everyone has kind of have their own trend and their own response to training – similar responses in terms of the fluctuations in following a heavy training day and whatnot. But you are not going to get a team of soccer players with everyone’s score at 90 with similar changes, everyone is different. And you should plan accordingly for that.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Right, so for someone in the 60s, is that okay? Or someone in their 50s?

[Andrew Flatt]: Well, I mean I would ask if that is being measured in a supine, lying down position or if that is a standing value, because that obviously will make a difference.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Let’s get into that then, because I know you take both readings, correct?

[Andrew Flatt]: Well, I have experimented with both. I have been sticking with standing – I had been doing it standing since day one but I did an experiment for a little bit and actually at different time points I experimented with supine readings as well. So you want to get into –

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: So I mean, supine just for the guys listening – that just means you are lying down? So you are taking readings when you are still in both situations, right?

[Andrew Flatt]: Correct.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: So we are getting into sort of recording methodology here. How do we go about actually taking these readings and when would you do it to get reasonable results? I take it, for instance, every morning when I wake up and I will take the lying down one and then I will stand up and take that. I have to let it rest for a little while, so I will stand up for about a minute and then I will take the reading.

So you can tell me if that is like correct or not. I seem to get relatively stable readings. How would you go about it now? What kind of things have you discovered that are good and bad and help to get and what kind of things do you need to avoid?

[Andrew Flatt]: Well, it’s interesting. The general guidelines are a supine measurement where you record the last five minutes of a ten-minute segment, so you essentially have what I often call a stabilization period where you let your heart rate adjust to that position.

So that is generally a five-minute period followed by a five-minute recording. You know, with the research that I have been doing at Auburn University with Dr. Michael Esko is trying to investigate shorter, more convenient HRV recording procedures because one, we want to do research with these smartphone apps but we weren’t entirely sure if we were going to be able to publish anything without any kind of validated shorter measurement procedures that we could say, ‘You know what? We did a shorter measurement recording. We had a shorter stabilization period.

But that is not necessarily a problem because it is not really showing any differences to these accepted standard measurement procedures. So as I kind of mentioned before we found that 60 seconds was a suitable duration for an RMSSD measurement. We have a new paper that is currently in review where we looked at how long does this stabilization period need to be, at least in a supine position?

So we looked at a standard measurement – five minutes following a five-minute stabilization period. And we just looked at if each individual minute – you know, minute one, minute two, three, four, and five – were those values any different to the five to ten-minute segment? I am not able to reveal the results but I am pretty confident that we can get away with a shorter stabilization period, much shorter than what is traditionally recommended. And we are just looking at capturing a resting measure and we are not using this for clinical diagnosis or anything like that, right?

So in healthy populations in athletes where we just kind of want to get a general indication of their heart rate variability that day and we don’t need a whole ten-minute procedure.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: So what is the statistical variance we are talking about between yours and the five-minute one? Is that 5% difference?

[Andrew Flatt]: Are we talking about the stabilization or the 60 seconds?

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Yeah, if you do your shorter version. Which is one minute and one minute?

[Andrew Flatt]: Let’s just say that you use a one-minute stabilization period and then a one-minute test. I mean, you are trying to get me to get into the results, which I shouldn’t do until it gets published.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Just a rough idea. You said it is okay, right? Don’t give me a statistic yet.

[Andrew Flatt]: Let me putting it this way, it would be trivial. That’s the term we use with that statistic called the effect size, which is telling us how practically meaningful the difference is. The shorter stabilization period as opposed to the traditional one, you would probably see trivial differences.

I could tell you within the literature a five-minute HRV recording has been used following only a one-minute stabilization period and that has been used in elite endurance athletes and the data was still providing very meaningful information pertaining to training status so again, a shorter stabilization period of one minute has been used so I would say to go ahead and use the one-minute stabilization period.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: So it sounds like it is reasonable to do a one-minute stabilization and a one-minute – depending on the app they do different times or automatically of course, but you think that would be okay for some guys at home who want to use this for training and so on?

[Andrew Flatt]: I mean absolutely. With the athletes I work with and with myself and then with the data that we collected and looked at, the one minute is not very different from the five-minute value. So yeah, I am quite confident in that shorter measurement with RMSSD, specifically.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Great, so what other things – are you still taking the lying down, the supine, and the standing – and the one we have just spoken about, the one minute, one minute, is that just fine for both of them?

[Andrew Flatt]: Yeah, after a postural change what happens is in the supine position your heart doesn’t need to work as hard to pump blood to the brain. Then you stand up all of a sudden you have receptors that are going to detect changes in blood pressure and this happens real quickly, but essentially your heart rate is going to shoot up real high immediately following a postural change.

And then it actually takes longer than a minute to actually stabilize, but in the research one minute following that postural change is when they will start recording HRV in the standing position. Going back to why I like the standing measurement, it is simply because what’s happening is you are introducing a small stressor to the body that it needs adapt to. It is called orthostatic stress, when you stand and put that little challenge on the heart where it has to react to the postural change and then you essentially are evaluating how your heart is responding to that.

If your heart rate variability is very low after you have given your heart rate time to stabilize, that may be a better indication of how your body is going to respond to physical stress that day. That is kind of a working theory. And that is nothing new. I am not sure if you are familiar with what is called the Rusko test, where you start by measuring the heart rate lying down and then you measure it following a postural change at different times, and you are trying to see what the changes are between those. So it is not a new concept and certainly nothing that I can take any kind of credit for.

But I did experiment with taking supine and standing measures and seeing how it related to my previous day training. This kind of unequalled one experiment – I have always found that the standing position provided a better reflection of my perceived level of recovery with yesterday’s training. That is not a very scientific method and I didn’t take any blood markers or anything like that but just from visualizing the trend I see that the standing position looks how it should, based on how it is feeling and what training was like the previous day. So I have pretty much stuck with that.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Okay, so now do you use just the standing or do you use both?

[Andrew Flatt]: Yeah, my preferred position is seated or standing. I do standing just because it is practical. You wake up, you go pee, you are already standing. I use the finger sensor now, so I plug in the finger sensor and I do my measurement right there in the bathroom. It is just easy.

The seated position would also be similar to provided that. You are obviously going to have to sit up and there is going to be that little orthostatic, that seated up, more vertical position challenge. So the seated position is probably – I wouldn’t think it would provide significantly different in terms of at least the trend. The number value might be different but the trend would probably be the same.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Do you see more variance and slightly lower numbers for standing versus supine, or lying down?

[Andrew Flatt]: Absolutely. The supine values are going to be much higher. I have data on the soccer team I have been working with. I had them do supine and standing measures because that is a question I have always been very interested in – what is the better position?

Some preliminary analysis on the data – I think what we’re seeing is that without getting too much into the results I think supine and standing may be potentially indicating some different information where supine may be related a little bit more to fitness and standing may be more related to the acute changes in response to previous day’s training.

Again, that is very preliminary and we have still got a lot of analysis to do but from that data that is kind of what I am seeing. From my personal experience –

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: So what you are saying is that lying down is kind of like your baseline and standing is what has been going on the last week in terms of what you have been up to and exposed to in terms of stressors?

[Andrew Flatt]: Possibly. It is hard to draw any kind of conclusion. But in the supine position in very fit athletes there have been issues of parasympathetic saturation, but all of a sudden you sit up or you stand up and you kind of eliminate that issue. So I know in a recent paper by Stanley Peak and Martin Buchheit where it was in sports medicine and they reviewed the literature on parasympathetic reactivation after exercise. And one of their recommendations was to measure in a seated position.

I would definitely recommend anyone, especially exceptionally fit athletes – any endurance athletes or some really fit athletes like soccer players, rugby, or what have you – with really low resting heart rates. I would definitely do either a seated or a standing position. For less fit individuals with higher resting heart rates, the supine position may be fine. That is a gut instinct and I don’t necessarily have the kind of data to support that. So take that how you want to.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Okay, a few of the other things – just to make sure there are no other confounding variables coming in here – do you have to make sure this is at the same time of day, or is that irrelevant?

[Andrew Flatt]: Actually yes, I meant to get into some of this stuff. You definitely want to be consistent with your measurement procedures. One of the best recommendations is you have to remain as motionless as possible. It is funny, you collect ECG data on a bunch of athletes and you are reviewing it and you see some funny things and you are like, ‘Man, what were they doing in there?’ And one athlete had a bit of a cold at the time and we could see her sneezes in R-R interval trend.

On the tachygram we could see when she sneezed. We could see when athletes moved positions or adjusted their position. This all is going to affect your heart rate. I looked at an ECG trend when the investigator walks into the ECG room, or the lab, and just that startles the subject or it might not startle them but it does provoke a heart rate response and all that can affect your heart rate variability information.

So you want to be as undisturbed as possible. You want to limit any kind of noises. You want to limit anything that can be distracting. You obviously don’t want to necessarily check your emails or messages first thing before you do it because that creates an anxiety based on work-related issues or anything really.

So you definitely just want to wake up, do your business in the bathroom, empty your bladder, and do your measurement, whether you do it seated or standing or if you choose to go lay down again. Or if you choose to just do your measurement right in bed after you wake up, you know. Consistency is the most important, definitely limiting the noises, like I was saying.

Time of day is a research question that we have and that is something we want to answer. There is definitely going to be circadian rhythm effect so if you do a measurement at 7 a.m. it is definitely going to be different by noon. But is there a difference between a 7 a.m., a 9 a.m., or if you are within a reasonable time?

We have been asked by some professional NFL teams if they can bring their athletes into the workout facility, have them lie down on a training table, and do their HRV then, as long as they control for all the other variables. My assumption is that it is not going to be the same information you are getting from a waking measure, but how different is it and can we still get some meaningful data from that? I don’t know – that is something we definitely want to look into.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: So the whole thing about doing this first thing in the morning is it manages to eliminate a lot of potential confounding variables like what is going on in your environment, what you have been doing in the morning, anxiety, and all these other things.

[Andrew Flatt]: Yeah, and apart from sleep it is going to be your most rested state, right? So that is the ideal time to do it.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: So some of these apps also correct for things like arrhythmias, errors, artifacts, ectopic beats, and a bunch of things which are kind of noise. Would some of them, like I know the Polar kind of automatically does that. I am guessing that some of the others do. Does this eliminate these kind of things we are talking about to any extent or not?

[Andrew Flatt]: Yeah, because we did a cross-validation with the ithlete device and we looked into how it goes about interpreting the data. And actually that device particularly has thresholds for R-R intervals where basically the average highest range for an R-R interval versus the lowest range, if you get a series of R-R intervals that kind of exceed that threshold, either above or below it, it is going to correct for it with the adjacent normal cycle.

So a lot of these apps will have built-in irregular beat detection systems. Again, whether it is the R-R interval that is way longer than average or way shorter than average, it will essentially pretty much red flag that as an irregular beat or an artifact or what have you, and correct for it. And that is a limitation of a shorter measurement.

If you are doing a 55-second test and if you experience a couple of ectopic beats, generally within a one-minute period you should be experiencing more than one. But the shorter measurement duration, that is a shorter series of R-R intervals, and there is more room for error in that situation. But like I said there is that irregular beat detection function. When we have compared and I think we had 25 athletes where we compared it to ECG and it was accurate, and that small sample of people didn’t have as many issues.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Right, great. So is there anything else in terms of recording that you have to be careful of to make sure the data is useful and current and so on?

[Andrew Flatt]: I think the key is that you want to be able to do this every day and you want to do it consistently for meaningful data analysis and the key is to just make sure you do it and you are consistent in your environment and where you are consistent in your position.

You don’t want to stand one day and do it seated the next day and then supine. If you want to experiment, when you do a measurement save it in your preferred position and just log your other position measurement. You don’t want to save it so that it affects your trend line by any means.

So the key is being consistent in your position, being persistent if you choose to do the paced breathing. Some of these apps provide paced breathing. A lot of them will give you 7.5 breaths per minute, which was kind of the mean breathing frequency of a group of endurance athletes.

That is kind of where that value came from. Just be consistent and don’t do paced breathing one day and then not the other. It shouldn’t have too much of an effect with RMSSD but you do want to be as reliable as possible with your procedures. So either do spontaneous or paced breathing, pick one or the other and stick to it. Stick to the same position.

I am not going to like, I don’t necessarily measure at the same time every day. I mean, my lifestyle changes and I will be able to sleep in on certain days. I might have to be up super early one day and I do it when I wake up. That’s just the way life is, right?

Some people take it pretty seriously and they wake up at the same time every day and that is great. That would probably be more reliable but you have got to be reasonable.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Great, so what I do, for example, is I track it every single morning and I am looking for either acute drops, like big changes to take notice of. Otherwise, I am kind of looking mostly at the seven-day average. How do you approach this. Ideally I want my seven-day average to go up over time so that I feel like I am getting somewhere with things. How do you look at it? What is most important? Are you looking mostly at the seven-day average? Are you looking at the day-by-day? What are you using most in your actual decisions?

[Andrew Flatt]: Well, I like to look at everything. I like to see the acute change of what happened between today and yesterday. I do not generally at this point in time use a daily change to be a huge determining factor in my training, specifically because I am more of a resistance-training athlete.

I am involved in powerlifting, so an HRV score isn’t necessarily indicating if I am going to be stronger or anything like that. But I do take a look at it and I see and I always like to compare it to what happened the previous day. What I like to do is look at the weekly average and the variation of the previous seek, just to see how that corresponds to my training plan. If I had a higher-volume week where I was trying to create some fatigue, I would expect to see a lower average and maybe some more variation and go from there.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: But if you didn’t you might say, ‘Okay, well I have been undertraining and I want to push a little bit harder this week.’ Is that the case?

[Andrew Flatt]: Yeah, I mean you can use that to guide how you may structure your next training cycle. Again, it really does depend on what kind of athlete you are. But for resistance-training purposes, I just do a lot of personal experiments.

I went through a phase where I was using the acute changes to guide my daily training, so rather than taking a – I would work three weeks harder and deload every fourth week. I stopped doing that for a bit where I would just reduce training loads on a day with a low HRV score, should that happen on a training day.

Training like that was fine and I made reasonable progress. I didn’t find that not deloading was an issue. Every fourth week by just taking off a day here and there or reducing loads. That was fine.

The issue is if you really want to make any kind of marked improvements you are going to have to do some overload training. And if you are doing overload training you are going to accumulate some stress. And you are probably going to see a decreasing trend in your HRV and that is generally not a huge issue. You just want to be mindful that you are starting to accumulate some fatigue and how long you want to persist with that. You want to pay attention to soft tissue issues. Are you getting a lot of inflammation? I would get some tendonitis in my elbows and so forth. So you use it as a guide but you take it with other parameters as well, like I was saying before.

Again, an endurance athlete would be a little bit different. I would actually probably use HRV – the acute changes. I would probably use that a little bit more to influence my daily training just because it has been shown that HRV-guided training with endurance athletes, based on your parasympathetic activity, you may be in a more favorable position for training for endurance exercise. So again it all comes down to what kind of athlete you are, what kind of adaptations you are trying to create.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Yeah, great. So looking at potential alternative metrics, another thing that people use a lot is resting heart rate. Is that something you would use as well or do you find HRV better? Is it ever worth taking both and looking at them in conjunction or do you think – what have done? Or do you have any experience with that, at resting heart rate?

[Andrew Flatt]: Well I think that resting heart rate is a little bit more crude of a measure. That is – now, although it is a little bit more prudent it can still be very effective. In fact, if you look at your RMSSD trend against your heart rate trend it will generally be a nice inverse relationship between them where they will kind of mirror each other. I personally don’t monitor both. I mean, if you don’t have an HRV device I would definitely do heart rate. I mean, that is something you could do by just measuring your pulse every morning. In my experience I just use the HRV value. What I want to do with the data we collected in the soccer team is see if the heart rate variability provided more meaningful information than basic resting heart rate alone. Do we even need heart rate variability? Even though it can be more specific of a measure, is it necessary? I don’t think that people need to dismiss heart rate and think that it’s not useful because it absolutely is. There has been good data on it and again, your heart rate variability trend with RMSSD isn’t going to be too dissimilar from your resting heart rate trend, it is just kind of inversely mirrored, you know?

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Actually a couple of things, confounders I forgot to look at but I think are important. Our age and our gender, do they influence?

[Andrew Flatt]: Absolutely. What you will find as individuals approach middle age or they start to get a little bit older there is going to be a natural decrease in parasympathetic activity; however, that can be changed with training. So if you are doing regular aerobic work you can mitigate those decreases and have reasonably high HRV on a regular basis; however, I would assume that would change if you should stop keeping up with that kind of training, but absolutely. Generally what you will see is older individuals will have lower resting heart rate variability. Females tend to have – if you have two sedentary individuals the female will generally tend to have higher – that is not always the case.

In our data we looked at 20 endurance athletes – 10 males, 10 females. Their resting heart rate variability was not statistically significantly different so we measured them and compared them as a group rather than by gender. So if you are endurance trained you are going to have higher heart rate variability generally, whether you are male or female. But when you remove the training factor females will generally have a higher resting heart rate variability versus males – but again, that is not always the case, just generally.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: I would like to talk a little bit about where this is all potentially going. In the future are we going to be able to do different things with HRV? Because I do know that it is getting more popular and there are more apps and devices coming out. What do you see happening with HRV over the next five years? Do you see it getting more sophisticated? Are a lot more people using it in different areas? What do you see?

[Andrew Flatt]: Well definitely in the clinical setting with regards to cardiac rehab guiding training of individuals who have had cardiac events and so forth, I am not as interested in the clinical side but that is kind of where a lot of this came from and started. So there is going to be a lot more usage of HRV in those situations, especially when we have validated mobile technology where you can acquire a resting score in a reasonably short period of time. I see it growing there.

One way that I see it being included in athlete is with reduced requirement, a lower frequency of measuring. So for example there is a recent paper that showed that less frequent measures of only 3 times per week was suitably reflective of the weekly mean value. So it didn’t necessarily need the seven-day value. You can get away with three when you are looking at the average.

One thing we are looking at with our data in the soccer team is how few days can we measure HRV where the mean value and the coefficient of variation are no different. So if we get more data on that and we start to realize that we don’t need to measure HRV every day if you are looking at the means and the CV. It becomes more practical and they are affordable. It was previously cost-prohibitive to measure HRV. You needed either an ECG or an expensive device. You needed an experienced and qualified technician to operate the device or the machine and then interpret it. Now within two minutes or less you can get an HRV score. An athlete can take it home and figure it out. It is real easy to do interpretation. Again, with the visualization and these other factors it is becoming a lot easier to use. So it is becoming more feasible for people and it is more affordable. So I can see it being definitely more widespread in sports, especially for any endurance athletes or soccer teams that currently aren’t using it. There are definitely plenty. But I think the more evidence that comes the more likely they will be to use it. Even the fact that we can now acquire HRV with a finger sensor makes it a lot more practical for an athlete to wake up and do the measurement.

If you think about it, a one-minute test is not that hard. But you would be surprised how many athletes can’t seem to do it every day. So reducing the measurement requirements to fewer days per week and making it easier to acquire the data, that is just going to increase the usage of it, I believe. It will at least increase the research where we will have more data to see if it is even worthwhile using in a soccer team or in a football team, and whatnot.

There are other areas where HRV is being used in the biofeedback where you are adjusting your heart rate, trying to increase your HRV prior to – there have been studies looking at baseball batting, golfing to see if it affects how accurate they are with their putts and so forth. That is not an area I am involved in by any means but that is where it is used.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Right, and I would say that some people have been connecting that to the flow stake, which they say is the high-performance stake. So the idea was that a higher HRV would mean that you are accessing your flow and you are more in a flow state than having a lower HRV. So I think that is some of the thing around that. I don’t know if you have seen that?

[Andrew Flatt]: Yeah, I have looked at some papers. My interest has always been in a resting measure and how it relates to performance and fatigue and so forth. But that research is progressing so who knows where that is going to evolve. But again, it is just a matter of having more published data to show that this is how it can be used. We are pretty clear that it is pretty effective but how practical can it be in the applied setting with a team of athletes and so forth is the next question.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: So where is a lot of the research on this and which journals do you find it in? Are they in some specific journals or is it sort of scattered around? Have you seen it increasing over time?

[Andrew Flatt]: There has definitely been an increase in the amount of research on heart rate variability for athlete monitoring purposes and so forth. Just to name a few journals you are looking at International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance.

There have been some in the European Journal of Applied Physiology. Every month there are one or two of these papers in a lot of these sports and science journals every month that pertain to heart rate variability. Journal of Sports Sciences, European Journal of Sports Science, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, so yeah – I kind of go through these every month and see what has been recently published. You can get on Twitter and follow a lot of these researchers and interact with them and sometimes they will give a heads up on what is coming and you can discuss it with them. Attending conferences, you can kind of see what research is upcoming, what is being done.

In fact, that is how I got into all of this. I attended the National Strength and Conditioning Association – their national conference in 2012. And that is where I met my colleague, who I have been working with for the last year or two, Dr. Michael Esko. He was presenting a poster on HRV and he was the only on there doing any HRV research. He was living in Alabama, I was living in Toronto. We hooked up and the next thing I knew I was moving to Alabama and we started doing research together.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Great, so who else might this be – you may have already answered this. I know you mentioned a few names, but who besides yourself would you recommend to follow to learn more about HRV and these biometrics?

[Andrew Flatt]: Well definitely Martin Buchheit. You can find him on Twitter. Daniel Plews, who worked with Dr. Martin Buchheit. Jamie Stanley, another guy who has been producing some great HRV research. Fabio Nakamora, Joel Jamieson, who kind of runs the BioForce system and the 8 weeks out website.

The ithlete has a blog where they discuss HRV research and maybe they have an endurance athlete that posts a training log. I try and post some data and some new research here and there. So on any of those social media sources like Facebook or Twitter you could generally find some of these individuals.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Great, there are a lot of good references there. So of course there is your blog, which is HRVtraining.com.

[Andrew Flatt]: Yeah, I try and update it every once in a while. Things get busy so I am not as religious with it as I used to be. But the whole purpose of that was to just share data and there wasn’t much talked about it and I wanted there to be.

So that is kind of where it has started and now it has evolved to I will discuss some of our new research projects and post some new research. But it kind of was started with just posting data and then trying to analyze it and leaving it open for discussion.

So if you are interested in looking at some previous trends of my HRV or HRVs of athletes, where we discuss and analyze the data or try to come up with a meaningful explanation or some research review and you can check out the sites. I should warn you that a lot of the older posts, I kind of reread some of them recently, and they make me cringe.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Isn’t that always the way?

[Andrew Flatt]: Take it with a grain of salt when you read the older posts. I have learned a lot since I started and I have learned a tremendous amount. So just be aware that some of the other posts may not be a current reflection of my thought process these days.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Of course. Coming back to more of a general view in terms of you personally, what would be your top recommendation to someone trying to make better decisions about their body’s health or performance with data?

[Andrew Flatt]: You need to select what monitoring variables you are going to monitor and you need to be consistent with them. And you need to do a lot of trial and error. You need to almost separate yourself from the data, collect the data, analyze it later with your training lots, and see what it is telling you. If a training variable isn’t meaningful, if it is not – if you can’t figure out why you are measuring it or what it is telling you, then you probably don’t need to do it.

You want something – so, for example, with me and the resistance training I am continually experimenting with HRV. There is just not a lot of data in resistance training and how you may be able to use HRV as a tool to guide your training. So I am consistently just experimenting with it.

But it is pretty clear in the research that perceived levels of training load, RPE values, perceived levels of stress, fatigue, muscle soreness – those things are worth tracking because they do correlate with other markers of fatigue and stress. They are just noninvasive. They are easy to monitor and you go with it.

I can’t tell you not to monitor certain things because it is fun. It is fun to collect data, it is fun to experiment. But generally if you are just in it to try and improve performance, you want to pick the variables that are the most meaningful to you, that are the most supported, and you need to be consistent with it.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: What other data metrics, biometrics, do you track for your body on a routine basis besides HRV?

[Andrew Flatt]: Well I do, again, the perceived levels of fatigue, muscle soreness, and all that through the app. I will do training load and every now and then I will calculate my tonnage, where I will multiply the weight I have used by the amount of sets and reps and so forth and see how that relates to my session rating of perceived exertion.

If RPE better relates to HRV or if the tonnage value does – I don’t do that all the time. It is time-consuming to do those calculations. But regularly I do my RPE for my workout. I will do my perceived levels of fatigue and muscle soreness and so forth. And generally there is a comment section so I will usually make a note or two of something that happened the previous day.

If I was out and had a few drinks with some friends I will make a note that I had a few drinks. If I am traveling, when my training structure changes, things like that – I will make note of it. And I do keep a training log where I write down all my workouts and so forth. So there are plenty others that you can do.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: So it sounds like you have a little diary related to stressors and health in general.

[Andrew Flatt]: Yeah, and again that is all stored right on the smartphone app that I use. The training log in my gym bag is just a little notebook where I log my workouts. I was going through a phase where I was going through a reaction time test and a tap test, again, with two different smartphone applications. Honestly, I was doing it at a time where I was less familiar with certain statistical analyses and I probably really didn’t know how to analyze the data very well, but it is definitely something I have been interested in.

There is some data to support that psychomotor speed assessed through a reaction time test can be related to fatigue and overtraining. So there is a smartphone app. I believe it is free. And essentially the screen will prompt you to react to a light changing on the app. So as soon as the light turns green, you tap it, and then there is an unknown time interval where it will then prompt you to tap it again over a series of five taps. And then it will give you kind of the mean value of your reaction time.

And I think the data is pretty cool, that I have read, and that supports it. I haven’t really seen any kind of longitudinal data where it has been done every day with athletes, so that is actually something I would actually like to include in a future study along with HRV and some other measures, this reaction time.

[Damien Blenkinsopp]: Yeah, great. There are a few of those apps and I know that some of them are free because I downloaded and played around with them myself. But like you I haven’t really gotten into it. I played around with it once or twice. So thanks for all this stuff, Andrew. This is very detailed and we have really done the topic of HRV justice, really tackling it from every area. So thank you very much for your detailed explanations on everything.

[Andrew Flatt]: Oh, it is my pleasure.

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